Why This Site?

If you’ve heard the frog-in-the-kettle analogy, skip down a couple of paragraphs.

If you want to boil a frog, (I don’t know why either, it’s an analogy) you can’t simply bring a pot of water to boil and drop in a live frog. He’ll jump out and you have no frog.

Rather, ease the frog into a kettle of lukewarm water, and slowly bring the pot to simmer. The poor frog will gradually grow used to the hotter and hotter water, to the point where alas,  it will be too late. Yon frog will have perished.

Societies (people) are no different. The shock our parents and grandparents express towards the coarseness, filth, violence, and the like is no big deal any more. Language that would cause a sailor to cringe is promoted as “edgy,” “realistic,” and “cutting edge.”

Programming depicting full frontal nudity finds it way to prime time television. Pornography is only a click away.

I sound like a fuddy duddy, I know. That’s the point. We ought to be a bit shocked. We are not.

Filth on media isn’t the problem.

Mass murder committed on our schoolchildren isn’t the problem.

Politicians spending the Republic beyond bankruptcy isn’t the problem.

Public depravity isn’t the problem.

Open drug use so rampant that it drives foreign cartels to intimidate and butcher their own citizens isn’t the problem.

Conservatives aren’t the problem.

Progressives aren’t the problem.

Gunning down law enforcement in public isn’t the problem.

The problem is simple. We’ve tossed God out of our national life (our hearts).  He’s not welcome in our schools, public places, our government, our major institutions, and our hearts.

So when we shrugged off God, He left us to ourselves.

With devastating results.

We’ll develop this thought as we go along. Thanks for coming to the site.

Update. This epitomizes what this site is about.

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.. humble themselves and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. II Chron 7:14