Revelation 4:6-8
Verse 6
Sea of Glass
- Something like is in italics in the better, more literal translations, missing in the original. John appears to use this recurring idiom as a way of saying it wasn’t actually a sea of glass, rather, he didn’t really know and is translating it for us. This gives us one way to discern when we can separate the literal from a figure of speech. Later, in Rev 15:2 this sea changes. How so? Other uses of sea in Revelation generally describe either literal oceanic seas (Rev 5:13, 7:1,2,3, 8:8-9 et al). That there is a distinction between the two seas is made for us in Rev 10:5-6. Clearly (ha ha) there is a difference we are to recognize. There is another colloquial use of sea, and that is the sea of ____ in Rev 13:1
- Like crystal Here the heavenly sea is again differentiated from earth seas, or seas of humanity.
Verse 7 & 8 The Four Living Creatures.
- In the center and all around, compare with Jesus in the midst of the seven lampstands of Rev 1:12-13. Also Ezekiel cited previously. The word used is zao, to live. And the closer they are to the One on the throne, the more alive they are. It’s the same with us. The closer we are to the throne, the more zao, the more alive we are. As we and angels are created creatures, our life comes from the Creator.
- Full of eyes in front and behind.
- Like a Lion, Calf, A Face Like a Man & Like a Flying Eagle
- We can see this a couple of ways or perhaps another no one has thought of yet. Remember, we’re trying to understand the Throne Room of Heaven

- Is this literal, figurative, both (because of apocalyptic literature and perhaps an ultimate reality where the figurative is literal an vice versa?)
- Ultimately, our redeemed bodies and minds and thinking will be able to resolve these issues once we arrive.
- Some see this as representations of untamed (Lion), tamed, (Calf or Ox), Human, and angelic (eagle). The Jews (Mac Arthur quoting the Talmud says “There are four primary forms of life in God’s creation: man, calf, lion, and eagle.” And they felt that creation was represented in those four. In the camp of Israel, three tribes gathered under each of these four banners. Several tribes gathered with Reuben, symbolized by a man. Several tribes gathered with Dan, symbolized by an eagle. Several tribes gathered with Ephraim, symbolized by the ox or the calf. And several tribes gathered with Judah, symbolized by the lion.”
- Others picture this as the four offices of Christ as King, Man, Servant, God, echoing Gospel main themes of the Savior. In any case, (or something else as we said) these are magnificent, un-earthly beings.
- Full of Eyes, the same as Ezekiel 1:but different. How? Both are described as full of eyes.
- Six Wings, op cit. Mac Arthur says that in Isaiah’s vision in Isa 6:2, 4 of the six wings are used in worship, two covering the face, two covering the feet while standing on holy ground, and two for movement. Which brings us to:
The Worship of the Created
- Continual Worship of God & His Attributes
- His Holiness – As we spoke of quoting Isa 6:2-3. The triplet of magnification, (excluding fake repetition used out of lack of intimacy (Mat 6:7) Jer 7:4 among others (Jer 22:28-29 is another superlative uttered to Jeremiah by God when cursing Jeconiah.
- His Name – His Name is the Great I Am
- The Almighty –
- Transcends Time – Yet He gives us a glimmer and ability to share His eternity in Ecc 3:11