Category Archives: Acts

The Acts of the Holy Spirit Empowering the Church

Acts 12

Acts of the Holy Spirit

The weather last week was muggy. Some people say this is an omen for the much-needed El Niño, a weather phenom that often brings rain to California. We need the rain. A lot of moisture bloomed up from Baja. It tends to even out temperatures, but also visibility. Looking across Estero Bay, everything was a grey haze, not a lot of contrast. Almost like a bad landscape shot from a Kodak Instamatic, for those of you who remember them, small film cameras from the 50’s with sub-optimal optics for those who do not.


What was missing was contrast. I knew the Morro Rock was there, but it didn’t look much different than the blue Pacific surrounding it. Hills, sky, water, everything looked the same. Unsatisfying because it lacked definition.

Same view, only the time of day and contrast are different

This page of the Church’s early adventure, on the other hand, is vivid in its contrast. But you do have to give it the efforts it deserves. Contrasts in two men.


First  Peter, the faith he demonstrated, the gates he walked through, the people he associated with. Second, two kings, Herod & Jesus, the  people they associated with, the powers under there control, the clothes they wore, and the consequences of the words they spoke. So take off the lens cover, clean the lens, and load a can of Kodachrome as we snap our way through chapter 12.

The Contrast of Peter 1.0 & Peter 2.0

Acts 12:1 – Which Herod are we speaking of?

Herod the Great was one of the great builders of antiquity. A small, man, he was an Edomite, an Idumean, descendents of Esau. Herod fell in love with a true Jewish princess, Mariamni (sp?) a Maccabean descendent. This Herod killed at least 15 of his sons. The joke in Rome was it was safer to be Herod’s king, than Herod’s son.

This is Herod Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the great. He was put into power by Caligua. Late, Paul was put before trial in front of this man’s son, Herod Agrippa II.

So now this Herod persecutes the Christians, a way to get the Jews to like him.

Acts 12:2 – It is said that he hacked in in half, lengthwise.

Acts 12:3 – OK, if you liked that, I’ll go get the biggies.

Acts 12:4 – A quaternion was a group of four soldiers.  usually two were used for a really bad guy. To have 4 quaternions, 16 soldiers to guard one prisoner begs the question, why so many? We can only speculate, but remember that his grandfather Herod the Great, was fond of John the Baptist. Could it be that there was a part of him who knew better. More importantly, do we ignore that part of our being (our conscience) when it comes to hearing God’s voice?

Acts 12:5 – What would have happened if they would have prayed for James? God has chosen to work through prayer. It is also to prepare us for the unending ages ahead to communicate with God.

Acts 12:6 – Once again, peter is sleeping like at Gethsemane. But this time he is sleeping because he is at peace with the Lord.Yes, you can demonstrate faith by sleeping, as Peter did here sawing logs before the day of his scheduled death. But Peter also heard Jesus prophesy about his demise in John 21:18

Acts 12:7 – Ever notice angels always seem to be in a hurry.

Acts 12:9 – He though he was in a dream.

Acts 12:11 – See Peter figure it out. What if Peter rolled over and went back to sleep. No, he acted anyway, out of faith. We also hear these exhortations and prophecies, and not act on a a notion God puts in our heart. If we step out and move forward, we may find it was just a vision, or onions the night before, or it may be being nudged by the HS.  Pro:14:4 promises a clean manger, but no results. It takes getting up and moving forward, even though it’s a bit messy at times.

Acts 12:12 – Perhaps the same Upper Room used at Pentecost and the Last Supper.

Oh the world is drowning, the world is evil, so many have fallen away, sniffles the church. They had homothymadon, passion in the same direction. The early church had power, we do not. Could it be our perfunctory prayer, begging the faithful to a prayer service, to which few show up? WAKE UP!

Acts 12:13 – Rhoda – means Rose.

Acts 12:15 – These early sensitive to and used to angelic presence, that they did not bother to get up. Paul says that is to be done.

Acts 12:16 -Don’t stand there mouth agape when your prayer is “miraculously” answered. Pastor Chuck Smith relates such a story where the rent is due, and he is between jobs, without two nickels to rub together. He prays and prays, and finally, a a letter comes in the mail, an advance for pastoral work he was to do, totaling exactly howo much he needed for the rent.

Chuck joyfully walks around the house laughing, smiling, and praising God. Then Chuck relates that God said to him, in that still small voice, “Why didn’t you praise and thank Me before the money arrived?”

Acts 12:17 – What a great story! Ha Ha. How so much like me. But note that the prayer was effective all the same. Many times we are not sure how things will turn out, but all it takes is just enough faith to pray.

Acts 12:19 – Obviously, the man is upset. So to relax form this obvious trauma, he went to the luxury resort town of Caesarea.

The Contrast of Christ & Agrippa

Acts 12:20 – {349}We don’t know why he was upset with the locals. They bribed or somehow got an appointment with Blastus.

Acts 12:21 – This is an amphitheater right on the beach. Josephus tells us that these robes were made of pure silver threads, giving a very shiny appearance out in the sun. It was a spectacular garment.

Acts 12:22 – The crowd is sucking up to Herod for the bread. This guy is on an huge ego trip. Jon Courson says flattery is like bubble gum, it’s OK to chew a little, but don’t swallow it.

Acts 12:23 – We don’t know if it was immediate, or perhaps struck by intestinal parasites, doubled over, and died five days later. Dead either way.

This shows absolutely the necessity of giving God glory. When we glorify God, we grow from the inside out. When we glorify ourselves, we rot from the inside out.




Acts 11

Acts of the Holy Spirit

I worked with a supervisor who was very by the book. Every T crossed, every I dotted. Fortunately, I did not report to him, I think I may have done something drastic if I had.

But I remember receiving the occasional email from him.  Like any up and coming member of management, he had a sage, carefully crafted  and hopefully profound (to HIS boss) signature like “Yes we can,” “If you fall seven ties, get up eight,” or as we fantasized with this guy, “The beatings will stop when morale improves.”

His email signature was mundane, engineer-like: “If it’s not documented, it’s not done.” You engineers and other societal outcasts (JK) are nodding in silent agreement. But it never struck me until several years later how true that statement is.

The act of making another major change to the relationship between God and people through the Gospel was and is forever profound. But now, to add salvation to the Gentiles, this blew a LOT of Jewish fuses. The act was to reverberate throughout the rest of the Book of Acts, and it needed to be told (documented) by a teller who was just as flabbergasted.

So what change does God want to make with you that you’re resisting? And will you (and I) be willing to hear that voice, often a friend or trusted one, that’s calling for it?

Acts 11:1-2 –  Through  the grapevine, the news spread fast. They were shocked and stunned, resentful that Peter went to the Gentiles. Change is seldom easy, especially for the pious Jewish believer, who throughout her life, has obeyed the laws and testimonies of the Mosaic Law. So when word of this event with Peter is made known, the natural inclination is to “take issue.”

Acts 11:4 – A parchment or scroll was generally not larger than 35 feet. Books tended to be concise for this reason. So why would the HS inspire Luke to repeat this story? Because it is very important.

Acts 11:10 – Isa 61:10

Acts 11:12 – Peter was wise in bringing six men to be witnesses.

Acts 11:17 – Who indeed,

Acts 11:19 – It took the blood of the martyr to propagate the Gospel. These new Christians are still preaching primarily to Jews, though.

Acts 11:20 – Antioch was the 3rd largest city in Rome with a population of about a half million people, and a center of commerce.   In the mythology the city was dedicated to Daphne, the Goddess of seduction, being seduced by Apollo. It was became the center of the Christian faith after Jerusalem Christians were persecuted. See Acts 6:5, 13:1, 14, chapters 14 & 15, and Galatians 2:11 and 2 Tim 3:11.

Acts 11:23 – Note the effect of the grace of God.

It is the heart that God looks at.

Acts 11:25 –  anazeteo – to seek high and low energetically, used only by Luke here and when Jesus was left back at Jerusalem. (Luke 2:44)

Acts 11:26 – Note the pattern: In v 20 was preaching,  v 23 exhorting v26 teaching by Paul; a perfect troika, all necessary.

Christians – “little Jesus” – what a wonderful epithet.

Acts 11:28 – By meeting in koinonia and being in the Spirit, these Christians didn’t just ooh and ahh from the works shown, non they went on to the practical ministry implied by it. We see Agabus later in the book Acts 21:10 prophesying over Paul’s belt as to Paul’s future.  He here prophesies that a famine from 46 to 48 AD would occur. This gave the saints the opportunity, like Joseph, to prepare for it, and to exercise giving to the saints in Jerusalem, who would be in terrible poverty owing to their being disavowed by the Jewish community for their faith.

Acts 10

Acts of the Holy Spirit

Ten years previous Jesus said to preach the Gospel to every creature. Until now, they had not spread the Gospel to the Gentiles. They had ministered to the Jews of the surrounding areas.

The Lord will entrust Peter to open the door. His first convert, Cornelius, Corn Dawg to my kids when they first heard the story from me. Corn Dawg’s life up to his encounter with Peter could be described thus:


The influence of Judaism on the life of Cornelius was the desire of God that the Jews be a light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6), a teacher of the immature, a corrector of the foolish, and a light to those who are in darkness (Romans 2:17-20). A proselyte, he was open to hear and accept the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob over Jupiter, Juno, and Mars.


Peter, a devout Jewish man, had been inculcated in Mosaic Law, avoided Gentiles, and never, EVER had bacon and eggs for breakfast. So when the call came to kill the pig and eat pork chops, his predictable response, pure Peter,  “By no means Lord!” is comical. (Who but Peter would say such a contradictory thing as “No, Lord?” Oh, you have? Tsk. OK, so have I…)


Peter concludes preaching the Gospel, those gathered believe, and the Holy Spirit indwells them (and all believers), and falls on these new believers the same way He came to the Jewish believers back in chapter 2, thus authenticating to the Jewish Christians that the church is for all, Gentile and Jew.


The Holy Spirit makes it very clear that He desires all nations to become Christians (OT & NT refs here) and the church in this and other sections of the book beginning in the next chapter. Peter uses this example to exhort the Jewish Christians as equals, and also serves to re-iterate that the Law has been done away with as far the ceremonial cleanliness laws are concerned.


Acts 10:1 – A legion was 6000, a cohort 600, and groups of a hundred led by centurions, the master sergeants of the day, brave, sound, and strong. The centurions speak but the word and my servant shall be healed. … Truly this was the son of God…

Acts 10:2 – The HS notes his faith of God, fear of God, yet he was not saved; despite his almsgiving and prayer. He did not know Jesus. If all covenants or all paths lead to God, you would have to omit this chapter from the Bible.  And he was not converted to Judaism, but to Christianity.

But all those who truly seek God will find Him. God will do whatever it takes, including sending an angel to minister to him.

His whole familiy also feared God, a testament to his leadership.

Acts 10:6 – A tanner could be spotted a mile away from the stench.

Note: the angel didn’t share the Gospel with Cornelius, that privilege was left to a man.

Acts 10:11 – The house in Joppa right at the Mediterannean. Sheet can also be translated sail.

Acts 10:14 – Who else but Peter could admonish God?! “Not so” and “Lord” don’t belong together.

Acts 10:15 – {328} Words to live by. God has cleansed us, too. He chose you before the foundation of the World. John 13:18  Also 2Co 5:21, Heb4:16

Acts 10:16 – For emphasis

Acts 10:21 – Note that the HS is working on both ends. If someone says “The Lord told me to tell you” something, you will know because of this principle.

Acts 10:23 – Good show Peter, the barriers are starting to come down with these Gentiles. Having a Gentile in a Jew’s home was considered defiling.

Peter wasn’t 100% sure about this, so he took a few of the boys with him.

Acts 10:25 – They still do that in Rome to this day; lining up 45-50 minutes to kiss  his feet. The big big toe on the right foot is missing because of this.

St Pedter

Acts 10:27 – Home Bible study time

Acts 10:28 – Peter is beginning to get the picture

Acts 10:31 – This refutes the notion that God hears the prayers of unbelievers.

Acts 10:33 – A good congregation produces a good preacher.

Acts 10:34 – God is no respecter of persons

Acts 10:39 – Hanged on a tree – The Jews executed by stoning, the Romans (Gentiles) kill on a tree; the inference is that all men are guilty, leaving no room for antisemitism.

Acts 10:44 – Peter is again interrupted by God, the HS. First by the Father, (Mat 17:2-9, Mar 9:2-10, Luk 9:29-36) by Jesus, (Mat 17:24-25 )

Note that the Spirit moved as Peter spoke the Word. He did not expect it. Col 3 the Word of God dwell in you richly…, Eph 5 Be not drunk with wine…

Acts 10:46 – This is the Biblical and proper use of tongues. It is a message of praise to God. Unknown tongues, that is.

Acts 10:47 – Note the water Baptism after the Baptism of the HS.

Acts 9

Acts of the Holy Spirit

Acts 9:1 -Saul was trained by Gamaliel, the teacher of teachers. Paul was also a member of the Sanhedrin. He also had a towering intellect. Yet he was too refined to stone Stephen.

Perhaps in his insecurity, after seeing the angelic countenance of Stephen, he became vehement and radical. Perhaps because of all the mental energy he had spent on the Christians.

Paul was so impressed by his encounter with Stephen he used part of the argument in Acts 17:24-34, especially v30. The word of God does not return void.

Breathing threats – lit breathing in threats, muttering. This is one mad dude.

Acts 9:4 – Jesus takes personally those who get down on His church. Ahem!

Acts 9:5 – Goads passage missing in most manuscripts. Only shown in KJV family texts.

Acts 9:6 – This is what it is all about. What is salvation worth to me? This is the only possible reaction if we realize the price Jesus paid for us.

God always gives usa one step at a time.

Acts 9:9 – Like a photographic film, Saul has an image and voice of Christ for three days.

Acts 9:11 – That road, Straight,  is still there in Damascus, the oldest city in the world.

Straight Street, Damascus Syria
Straight Street, Damascus Syria

Acts 9:13 – Lord, You sure You have the right guy? The big gulp.

Note how a man called Annanias is to go to the house of Judas, two infamous names in the Bible. And also Saul!… And so Damasacus. Perhaps God is redeeming names.

Acts 9:15 – Note the order of Paul’s ministry: first Gentiles, kings, and Jews.

Acts 9:17 – Ananias shows true Christian brotherhood and Agape love. Note that Paul has not received the HS at this time.

Acts 9:20 – Rom 9:3

Acts 9:21 – They were amazed but not persuaded. Paul leaves for three years to Arabia.  Gal 1:17

This is a “perfect” ministry for Saul, but that is NOT what God had in mind for him. (v15)

Acts 9:25 – 2Co 11:32-33. This is what it took to let Saul realize that his ministry was for the Gentiles, so that Saul could not take credit for God’s work.

Acts 22:17

Acts 9:27 – Barnabas means son of consolation, which, as usual, is apt.

Acts 9:29 – Saul is getting closer, talking to Grecian Jews.

Acts 9:30 – Then the Apostles send him to his true ministry, the Gentiles.

Acts 9:31 – And here at last Saul focuses in on his ministry. After ten years.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to get out of the way.

Acts 9:32 – By contrast, Peter HAD a ministry to the Jews.

Acts 9:34 – Here is a key to usability. In addition to be on the move, not stagnant (pv), these people glorify Jesus.  I AM the Lord. That is My name.  And I will not share my glory with another…

God is not ,though, on an ego trip. Because inevitably those who seek His glory will disappoint others.

Acts 9:36 – Dorcas, – gazelle.

Acts 9:38 – Quick, send for Peter, we need the practical ministry of Dorcas.

Acts 9:39 – Summary of ministry illustrated by these verses (13-43):

1) Available  – Acts 9:40

2) Prayerful – Tabitha, arise – Talitha  kum; virtually the same words Jesus used with the young girl in Mark 5:41

Acts 9:42 – 3) fruitful – many people were touched by the miracle

So when you are called to Sunday school, you never know wheter you might teach a future Billy Graham.

Acts 9:43 – 4) Flexible – Peter sticks around. The mishna said that the wife of a tanner could divorce him, as being a tanner. God

Acts 8 The Persecuted Church

The Acts of the Holy Spirit Empowering the Church

It is now six years since the church started, and God allows persecution in order to , among other things, to spread the church. Chapter eight sees the persecution of the church led by Saul, Phillip in Samaria encountering Simon, a charlatan, and his subsequent encounter with an Ethiopian court official, and his genuine conversion.

And so persecution goes on to this day. estimates there are around 200 million Christians suffer some form of persecution for their faith. That day may not be long in coming for us. So while we are able, we must  be “Phillips”, used and usable of the Holy Spirit, to share the Good News.

Antsal, wife of one of the 21 men killed in Libya shares how she found peace.

Acts 8:2 – Does this mean we should make lamentation? Devout men means God fearers, not necessarily even Christians. These men did not understand about the fate of those who died in Christ until Paul explained this in 1Th 4:13-18.

Either way, may God give us more stout hearted men like these!

Acts 8:3 – Havoc – lit. describes the wounding of a wild boar. The boar loses all sense of sanity. Paul moves beyond consent to a frenzy of Satanic activity.

Acts 8:4 – They scattered, but look, they also preached the Word.

Acts 8:5-39 shows two back to back seeming conversions.  How can we be sure?

Re Simon, unsaved:

  1. Wrong view of self (v9-10). He projected himself with great pride, even to his conversion. i.e. his conversion too was proud and pompous
  2. Wrong view of supernatural power (v18-19). This is the practice of simony, trying to buy one’s way into power. He did not want power to change his character, but to further his ambitions. A true conversion is done in humility. “Make me a servant.
  3. A wrong view of the Spirit (v18-21). That purchase may be attempted by money, or through the flesh,
  4. Wrong view of sin. (v24) The conversion doesn’t take, he doesn’t want the sin rooted out, but to avoid the consequences. Simon  believed in signs and wonders and not God, to his own ends. His attitude was, what will it do for me.

Contrast this with the Ethiopian’s conversion:

  1. It was a sovereign work of the HS (v26) – note the HS working took Phillip out of a revival in Samaria to one guy out in the desert. The eunuch was cultured enough to be able to read Hebrew though he himself was a Gentile. The HS draws us, not vice versa Rom 3:10-12
  2. The searching heart of a sinner. We respond to the HS after HE seeks us out.,
  3. Scriptural basis for salvation (v35) – As opposed to being drawn by signs and wonders as was Simon. Rom 10:17
  4. The sincere expression of a servant(v37)  – The Eunuch’s response was ass a faithful response, not for his personal gain.

Acts 8:6 – Here is Phillip, another table server-deacon we saw in Acts 6:5. If we are faithful in the little things, God will give you bigger and bigger responsibilities. And now Phillip followed Jesus example by going into the area were Jews would avoid John 4:4-42

Hearing miracles – the word of wisdom spoken as Jesus did to the woman at the well.

Acts 8:7 – 2Ki 17:7-41  This chapter of 2 Kings outlines the origin of the Samaritans. After reviewing this chapter, one can see the Pharisees calling the kettle black! (Being hypocrites)

Demons fled as Phillip was preaching and ministering. Demons are still alive and well in the 20th century. We offer psychological excuses for the present day work of demons and evil.

Acts 8:8 – Mat 2:10, Luke 2:10 The power of sin is broken. The joy of Christianity.

Acts 8:17 – Perhaps Phillip wasn’t gifted in the laying on of hands, reemphasizing the importance of the Body. Peter and John were empowered in this area, so they lay on hands. 1Co 1:14

And don’t get hung up on Baptism. It’s necessary, but it happens in various ways, (Acts 10)

Acts 8:18 – Simon does not appear to be possesed demonically, but wants to purchase a magic trick, as magicians do to this day.

Acts 8:20 – This absolutely refutes the buying of popeships during the Middle Ages. And Protestants are no better, as when the pastor is deeded the pastor, and the congregation buys back the church, or when an a person buys an “elder” position.

Acts 8:24 – HE didn’t ask for his heart to change, but to avoid the consequences of his sin.

Acts 8:25 – Tradition says that Simon went insane and buried himself alive, but not before starting the heresy of Gnosticism

Acts 8:26 – Revival is happening. People are being saved, and now the HS sends Phillip elsewhere. Note that the HS didn’t say why to go. Why go to a rock and sand filled desert? Go do step 1, and then you’ll get step 2.

Acts 8:27 – This was perhaps the second most important man in Ethiopia. He desired to know God, hence the trip to J-lem, but came back empty, as shown here.

God will do whatever it takes to tell a hungry person about Jesus. God will reach them. No one will be able to say they sought God and did not find Him.

Acts 8:30 – Wow! He ran! Enthusiasm is En-Theos, full of God.

Acts 8:32 – Isa 53:8f

Acts 8:35 – He spoke of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He also hopped right into Isaiah, connoting his knowledge of Scripture.

Acts 8:37 – Earlier, Simon believed with his head, and here the eunuch believes in his heart.

This is verse not in the NIV or RSV (See nivmiss.inx)

Acts 8:38 – Note immersion baptism here and elsewhere.

Acts 8:40 – He stayed there and raised 4 daughters who became prophetesses. A beautiful place on the beach. Phillip started waiting on tables, became a deacon, then an evangelist, then raised a family.

Acts 5 Holiness Over Hypocrisy

Disappointment: It’s a life sapper. It turns our expectations upside down and let’s sorrow leak into our expectations of life. It sniffs of injustice meted out unfairly in our direction. It beaks our heart.

Solomon had a thing or two to say of disappointment. He said

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” – Proverbs 13:12

In finance, disappointment means a shrinking portfolio. Or a shrinking checking balance. What to do, what to do? The wise investor diversifies. A loss in one investment does not spill over to others.

How about spiritually? Not so much. To Moses and the chillun’ of Israel God said:

“Thou Shalt not have other gods before Me.”   Exodus 20:3

And He means it. Ananias & Sapphira were caught up in the heady displays they saw, and the acclaim that no doubt came to them of the generosity of people of the primitive church in Jerusalem. But instead of the whole hearted devotion to God  displayed by Barnabas, Ananias and Sapphira wanted it both ways; to put on a show of benevolence, and hedge their personal futures.

This is another example God set when He a began new thing:

  • First Nadab & Abihu’s strange fire (Lev 10:1-2)
  • Aachen’s theft in Joshua, when God said to devote to him the spoil of Jericho, and Uzzah when he touched the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:3-8)
  • Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 4:36-5:5)

See also Donald Grey Barnhouse,  Men Whom God Struck Dead.

Acts 5:1 Ananias – God is gracious & Sapphira – A sapphire . Beautiful names.Hypocrisy kills:

  1. Kills our witness. It’s no excuse, but it’s true. Don’t knock the hospital because of sickness.
  2. Kills our joy. We become sour and analytical, as we must now become accusing and finger pointing to avoid having to look at ourselves.
  3. Kills our peace. We are unstable and upset.
Acts 5:3 This is a proof text of the personality of the HS.James Mc Donald has said misery is caused by people trying to look rather than trying to be.Note how Peter picked up on the scam.
 Acts 5:5 The principle of precedence says in essence, that God makes a strong point the first time so that it doesn’t need to be emphasized later. Jos 7. God wants us to know the seriousness of sin, and the dread evil and harmfulness of it. Now the point is made, sin is bad.So now we are in a new entity, the church. This lie is being exposed in the same way Aachen was achin’.
 Acts 5:7 How could she not know her own husband was killed, caught in a lie. The whole town knew! (v5)Satan is that last one to tell us about our own sin. So as we learn this, we need to listen to others, as they may correct us.
 Acts 5:10 Why is it the young men found them?
Acts 5:13 Would YOU join this church, in light of what just happened?
 Acts 5:14 The Church  was no longer just for the curious. And although uncomfortable, the faith of the church was magnified. There is great fear and awe in the people of the church.
Acts 5:16 Power is happening, healing is flowing. Understand there is no power in Peter’s shadow, but in the faith of the people healed in God. It was a trigger, a point of release.
 Acts 5:20 words of this life – refers not just to the afterlife, have life and that more abundantly Joh 10:10
Acts 5:21 Early in the morning –  Get going on our spiritual life. Early in the day. Just as in the secular realm, the spiritually wealthy get what they want. Pro 10:5, 18:9
 Acts 5:24 KJV= where unto this would grow.
 Acts 5:28 “Don’t teach in the name of Jesus” say these threatened men. And oh, that we would be accused of this! Mat 27:25
Acts 5:29 The authority over us are ministers appointed by God (Rom 13). If they act contrary to God, we are to submit not to them, but to God. This is true of all non Godly authority. Exo 1:17-20, Jos 2:1-6, Dan 1:8-16There are two qualifications here:

  1. By authority. That is, by Scripture
  2. With humility, without hostility. They did not resist violently, no bitterness, or emotionalism.
 Acts 5:34 One of the few men to be called, Rabbin, called the beauty of the Law. He walked in great integrity in order to keep it. He was also a teacher of  Paul (Saul). In his notes, was a criticism of Paul saying it was impossible to find enough reading material for him. Paul’s sentence structure and intellectual prowess were awesome.
Acts 5:36 Both Theudas and Judas claimed to be Messiah. Theudas to spiritual illumination, Judas, a political Messiah. How to spot a FP:1) One who claims to be supernatural or special in some way.2) Watch for those who draw people away to themselves instead of Jesus.
 Acts 5:39 Wise words.
 Acts 5:42 Yeah! Churchill said a fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.

Memory Verse:

Acts 5:42 –  And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

Acts 4 Truth and Power

We saw earlier in Chapter 2 the “acts” the early church was engaged in, in Acts 2:42 it says (paraphrasing) they continuously devoted themselves to the apostle’s doctrine, to fellowship, breaking bread, and to prayer.

Here, we can see for characteristics the early church exhibited:

  • Boldness – To Preach under duress
  • Urgency – Not waiting for someone else
  • Obedience – To God
  • Courage – Knowing whom to fear.


Acts 4:1 In the gospels, the primary opponents of Jesus was the Pharisees, fundamentalists, traditionalists. In fact, many Pharisees are converted, (Saul for instance).The Sadducees vigorously opposed the resurrection, they had their own concept of truth. In could care less, very liberal, love peace, be nice and so on.
Acts 4:2 Why are these groups upset about the Resurrection of the dead? 

A) The Sadducees didn’t believe in it.  (Mat 22:23).  The Sadducees appear to be skeptics, using the pretense of religiosity as a device to dominate and aggregate political power.


B) The Apostles usurped the priestly function of being teachers, as were the Sadducees. Like the Sadducees, their power was in their teaching magisterium, not unlike Roman Catholicism, and gnostic cults that gain power by persuading people to follow them because of their revelations.

Acts 4:3 Recall this began around 3 in the afternoon. They had probably been there some time
Acts 4:4-6 They heard the Word, right on! Mat 16:18 shows us the need to allow Jesus to build His church.Annas was deposed by Rome in 25AD although president of the Sanhedrin. Caiaphas was his son-in-law, although it is quite possible the body considered Annas the real high priest.  It’s a bit odd, as Numbers 3:10 called the position to be for life.
Acts 4:7 Consider the ones asking the question, the same ones two months previous who questioned Jesus.
Acts 4:8 And now, the old weak Peter is about to read these same guys the Riot Act. So instead of being by the enemies fire in intimidation, he is lit by the fire of the HS.And when we are on fire, we will inevitably find ourselves under fire, (Eph 6:10 ff)
Acts 4:9 Look at Peter, wow, what a change!
Acts 4:11 Psalm 118:22. – We are called living stones, and we are being quarried here in the quarry, being perfectly carved together. This is a basic tenet of life, and there is going to be chafing and hurting, etc. as we are sanctified. This is our preparation.And now Peter nails it to the wall as the rejected cornerstone, Jesus, Dan 2:34-35, 45
Acts 4:13 Right on! What a parallel to today, with our apostate seminaries. But the key is being with Jesus. And just been, but are with Jesus.Moses spent time with God. Woe Moe, your face is aglow! But look at Moses. The way to put down the Law is to spend time with Jesus, then we have the authority to lay down the Law. We must be glowing.And time spent with Jesus, in prayer and in the Word, gives us the confidence borne of the Holy Spirit. Don’t leave home without it.
Acts 4:14-18 A wonderful apologetic argument. And the man healed stood with Peter and John. The only true test of friendship is staying there in the breach when the chips are down. And we can evaluate our friendship with Jesus when the same circumstances happen. We are the lame man, will we stand by the Lord as this lame man did?But as we see,. this argument  had no documented effect on these leaders. Miracles do not make converts, they bring one to a decision.
Acts 4:19 Here is the exception. In most other things,  we are to obey our God-appointed rulers. Here, since they oppose God’s orders Mat 28:20-21, they ought to be and were in fact, opposed.
Acts 4:20-24 Would to God that I could not stop talking about Him.  How is this?
Acts 4:25-29 Psalm 2:1-2
Acts 4:34-37 Lev 27:16

Memory Verse:

Acts 4:12“ – And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”

Acts 2 & 3 The Fire Catches

8:16 PM


Acts 2:37-42

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

He convicts the people of their sin. John 16:8. The Good News is not the Good News unless the consequences of the Bad News is known. We can share that God is love; He is, but without knowledge of the sin problem, there’s no reason to be “saved.” Repentance is that first step, a changing of the mind regarding sinfulness, and one’s own personal sin.

The promise is the promise of the Holy Spirit  in Isa 44:3, 54:13, nd Joel 2:32. Far off is not just physical but also in the heart, Eph 2:13.

Acts 2:42-47 That which the Church is apart. This is what it’s about.1) apostle’s doctrine – they devoured and disseminated the Word; throughout the OT Jos 1:8 and do so steadfastly, Christianettes listening to sermonettes can’t take the meat. We need to progress to strong meat.2) Fellowship (koinonia) communion or communication, transparent communication, as opposed to frivolity and socialness. Speaking of the things of God.

3) Breaking the bread – we must value the breaking of bread, binding together.

4) Prayer – There is a unique dynamic in corporate prayer. There is power when we agree in prayer. He delights in hearing that. This is not the same as trying to manipulate Him.

Steadfastly they continued. Steadfastly. Not making excuses for corporate gathering. No need for programs. Three reasons why we should be steadfast from Luke’s works:

1)Who is watching –  Acts 6:15, Stephen is about to be stoned. They looked steadfastly to be a good example. Stephen’s face shone like an angel, as did Moses’, when he was seeking God.

2) The place we’re going – Acts 7:55 Stephen looking up into heaven. The fact is, we are headed for Heaven. The body is decaying as we speak.

3) Luke 9:51 The steadfastness of Jesus, what He did for us, this is why we must be steadfast.

43 – This is a unique occurrence of this behavior, a magnification of koinonia. Fellowship is sharing, and this is the ultimate in fellowship; the sharing of our wealth.

44-46 Such tenderness and unity. Not unanimity, but unity in purpose and heart

47 – Don’t miss this. It’s God who builds the church. Mat 16:18. Not programs, music, persuasive pastors, good coffee, good works. God adds to the church.

Acts 3

The Spirit heals the beggar through the faith of Peter.

This vignette is a picture of us, believers as the lame man. We are lame in the sin of Adam. We can not go after the things of God. We were getting by. Aware of our lameness. Poor. Defeated. Out of joint. The man couldn’t enter the Temple to worship, despite any qualifications to ministry, such as being a Levite.

Then Jesus came and touched us, while begging outside the Temple. Romans 3:10 quoting Psalms 14 & 53: There is none righteous…

And now we enter in like the beggar with thanksgiving and praise.

Acts 3:1-10 The ninth hour (3 PM) was special as it was the the time when Jeus said “It is finished”. A special time for all, esp. Christians.Note some essential elements present in John & Peter’s lives that prepared them for this ministry:1) Consistency – going in at the appointed hour of prayer. Faithful. v1

2) Flexibility – identifying the priority in the situation at hand; as opposed to going by and praying. v3

3) Sensitivity – awareness, brought on by the Spirit. Often we miss the moment.

4) Authority – We must have the authority of the Lord. We may have the power, but lack the Authority, or vice versa; like a car waiting for a light at an intersection


5) Humility – Peter was in great peril potentially after the miracle by taking credit for it, instead of giving the glory to God. In v 12, he asks the crowd why they marvel at this, instead of remembering their heritage (history) of the miracles wrought by God.

V2  Acts 3:2

Also known as the Golden or Eastern Gate.

We cannot do everything, I mustn’t do nothing.  How do you we discern this dilemma, with the needy?

1) Have sensitive hearts – Peter & John  undoubtedly passed this man dozens of times. Be sensitive to the HS stirring our hearts. This is different from cultural guilt. Your eyes fasten upon that person, and the Spirit works on you.

John 5:2-9 It is quite possible Jesus went by that man many times. And at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus ignored the many to minister to the one furthest away. Why did Jesus do that? Perhaps to show us to minister in response to obedience, not according to need. Therefore, never minister according to need, but to obedience. The Spirit directs us to the specifics. He will never overburden us; and that is a telltale sign we are ministering to need. Watch for it. Jeremiah 31:33

2) Discerning minds (spirits) – Peter & John saw the man asking for money, but that was not his need. What they cry for is not what they need. Also, note that in ch 3, about 5,000 had just converted and brought much money and laid it at their feet. They perhaps simply refused silver & gold to find the real need.

3) Dynamic Words –  Ever wonder what Peter & John must have thought right before they said those words?

a) Peter and John were men of preparation. They were going to the Temple to pray, every day, at 3 PM. Mat 3:17 at the Transfiguration, a man whose son was demon possessed. They commanded, but nothing happened, and Jesus  declared “this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” It’s too late to start fasting when the need arises, it needs to be done in advance, so that a backlog or history of prayer and fasting exists. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by …

b) They were men of impartation – filled with the HS. Do we hunger and thirst? Do we wait on the HS

c) They had authorization – For something to happen, there must be a convergence of power and authority. Like a sports car at a red light. Or an old VW at a green light. You need both. The green light came on in Peter & John. This requires sensitivity and discernment.

Note that the culture had been born into was one of mercy; compare his survival with the movie 300, a movie of Sparta, where weaklings were thrown over the cliff. This man, in his weakness, was able to glorify God, whereas the strong, acting under her own his own power, could not.

Acts 3:7

The language implies that dislocated bones had the bones pop back into the sockets.

Acts 3:11-26 Acts 3:11If faith teaching were true, the faith teachers should send $1,000 to us, instead of what they now do. The faith is from God’s grace, sovereignly. (v16)Acts 3:12

The “men of Israel” knew full well their history, and Peter rightly redirects that awe to the One to whom it is due, God.

Isa 42:8 serves as a reminder of this. Start taking God’s glory, and God will shelve you faster than an overpaid librarian. 1 Cor 4:7

Acts 3:13

The reason for the miracle was the exaltation of the One sent to you, whom you killed, boys.

Acts 3:16

It was not Peter’s faith that saved that man, but a gift of God given to them in that moment; God is fully responsible for the miracle. Note that it was not the lame man’s faith that healed him, either, again, faith of and through God.

Acts 3:17

What great tact Peter shows here, allowing the elders to save face.

Acts 3:18

That Jesus was sacrificed was no mistake.

Acts 3:19

Repent – change your mind about Jesus, the Prince of Life! Peter is not saying get it together, just believe in Him. The time of refreshing has many OT passages

Acts 3:21

Some people say that restitution means that all will be restored, Satan included. However that is a misinterpretation of Scripture. Mat 25:41  everlasting – 166. aionios is the same  word used in John 3:16. If we think that aionios is not really forever, then our salvation is also temporary; our salvation included.

The restitution of all things refers to the restitution of Israel, acknowledging Jesus as Lord Jer 30:7 the time of Jacob’s trouble. Romans 9, 10, 11 address this specifically.

Karl Marx was himself a Jew. And many kibbutzes in Israel are some of the purest forms of Marxism known. But since the collapse of communism, and the influx of the Russian Diaspora, there has been a massive reversal of the kibbutzes. And there is a wholesale return to traditional Judaism, Sabbath, yeshima, learning the Torah, etc. A tremendous return to prepare them. The rebuilding of the Temple, all to allow the Spirit rentry for the return of Jesus.

Acts 3:22

Deu 18:15-19 referencing Jesus coming.

Acts 3:25

Peter exquisitely quotes Scripture. Fantastic. Those who would be used by the Master must have keen knowledge of His Word. 2Sa 18.9-33

Ge the full story, study.

Acts 2 – The Day of Pentecost

This is the beginning of the Church. The real transition from the Old to New Testament, as we shall see.

The Day of Pentecost

Acts:2-1 Here then are the essential elements the church then and now should be mindful of:

  1.  The day is fully come. The Holy Spirit, God the ply Spirit moves sovereignly as the Father directs. His timing is always precise and on time. We often feel there is nothing happening, a gap, or supposed silence befalls us, as it did for those 120, or the 430 years between Malachi and John the Baptist. Not a half measure, our heavenly Father  is precise in His timing. It is our act of worship/faith to accept this and anticipate something far beyond our own expectation. The word used is meant o be understood filled up completely, or fulfilled.
  2. The word used to describe one accord in the King James and NKJV is the word  ὁμοθυμαδὸν homothymadon, with a single mind. They were all in agreement and single minded about obeying Jesus and awaiting the Holy Spirit. Any thoughts otherwise were not publicly entertained, or subsumed to the unity of the group. This is an imperative for the church. We must seek the Father’s will if the Holy Spirit can work within us unimpeded by pettiness, distractions, or unreigned pride.
  3. They were gathered together in one place. (Can’t think of the meeting together passage. In other words, they were not scattered across in individual places, but come together (as shown in the previous chapter, to pray. Mat 18:20)


Acts 2:2-4 This giving of the Holy Spirit is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Mat 3:11 Mark 1:8 & Luke 3:16,  Luke 11:13. John 7:38 & 39 Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit as rivers of living water. John 20:22 was an advance of this baptism. We receive the baptism of the Spirit when place our faith in Jesus Christ. It is not now something we wait on, it is an accomplished fact.It differs with having the Spirit come upon us. These occurrences we seek for daily. This amounts to a yielding to the Spirit and asking for his will in our life. Waiting on the Spirit now consists to yielding to His timing, and being in tune with Him not to get ahead or lag behind.


Sometimes we can only see this in hindsight. This is the relationship of faith in the believer, to step out, not desiring a “fleece” – some sign that we ask of God as to direction, but rather stepping out KNOWING that if the doors are open we go through. And usually, they do. If not, then we chalk the experience up to a no, or wait, I have something better response from our Heavenly Father.


Acts 2:4 Now, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, they begin speaking in tongues, (here languages), as directed by the Spirit. These are not “unknown tongues”, they were known by the people they were speaking to, as the list following showed, they were unknown only to the Disciples!There is a place for unknown tongues. But what is being exercised here is The Holy Spirit “what to speak in that hour, to quote Jesus. Luke 12:12
Acts 2:5-13 Part of the Holy Spirits exquisite timing is the gathering of all Jewish men who were able to Jerusalem for three feasts,  Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, (Shavout), and the Feast Tabernacles (Succot). All faithful Jewish men attended these. And they did so via the excellent roadways of the Roman Empire. So that when the church was born, all the conditions were there to allow it to expand rapidly far & wide, as desired by God.Of course that rapid spread would never be or is now, without scoffers, those who lok for a miraculous sign, obviously one here, or those who see this as foolishness. 1 Cor 1:18-21


The countries themselves form a compass around Israel on the Mediterranean.


It was common practice of the day at Synagogue, to include a reading of the mighty works of God; the Red Sea crossing, leading out of Egypt, and other victories given the Jews. In fact, it is often our most powerful testimony, to speak of the mighty works of God in our own lives. They may dispute the Bible, or the Gospel, but they cannot refute your personal testimony!


Peter’s Potent Portion


Acts 2:14-16 He starts the (2nd) greatest sermon ever by dismissing the mocking by refuting the accusation: this was not 21st century America were bars and liquor stores are open at 6 in the morning. It was unheard of to be drinking at 9 in the morning (the third hour).  1 Th 5:7 supports this. Drinking was a nighttime activity for that culture.Rather, he wants to ratchet up this crowd out of the earthy, crowd mentality, to a much higher plane. And he does it the same way we do, appeal to Scripture, appeal to the Bible. Don’t justify it, let it do it’s own work as Isaiah quotes Isa 55:11 and 2 Tim 3:16
Acts 2:16-21 Quoting Joel 2:28-32, Peter shows they assembled that the moment they are witnessing is a direct fulfillment of Scripture, as great as to being a witness to Neil Armstrong’s setting foot on the moon in 1969! To their as yet not believing eyes, they witnessed the power of the Spirit, which needed to be explained to them, as any good pastor should do.Peter ends the opening part with a Biblical call to salvation.
Acts 2:22-28 Now he quotes Psalm 16:8-11 in an apologetic to show how the plan of God was also freely carried out by their own people. They themselves knew Jesus. It also shows very clearly that the sovereignty of God is in no way at odds with the free will of mankind. They are not in opposition, as this passage clearly shows.Authentication:

Authentication is the way we show we are the person we say we are to someone who doesn’t know us. Almost all of us use passwords or scanners, etc. to prove who we are to people who don’t know who we are. This is precisely why Jesus performed the miracles, many unique, restoring vision (John 9:32) to authenticate He was who He claimed to be,  so that if you chose (choose now) to reject that claim, you did(do) so willfully ignoring the facts.

The Scripture Peter quotes he explains:

Acts 2:29-36 Peter sets up that the person David was talking about was not David, but one of his descendants v30, the Messiah V31. Peter shows now that Jesus is that Messiah spoken of by David.He then reiterates that is was not Davis in the passage, but Jesus, and then convicts the crowd of being participants-in-fact of that unjust  murder, to which God turns into His most glorious act, the salvation of the world!

Acts – Chapter 1

I had been dreading this moment. Up until now, it was simple drill. For eight hours we were shaken, hung out on ropes, yelled at, pushed and shoved, until we were ready for the big moment: My first parachute jump.
Heart in my throat, the plane climbed to altitude. My follow novice jumpers and I shared grim stares, oh, a few laughs and grins belying the inner terror. But we knew what was coming.
The jump master, Anna B. stood up, walked to back with the photographer, and up stood the first (I should say last) row of jumpers, inside a loud noisy, old, leaky DC3, #817.
First Jump. Didn’t see that coming.
They disappeared from view, with static lines, long strips of cord tied to the parachute pack so that the parachute pack to open it. It seemed silly, why not just jump out and pull that baby (the ripcord). After all, we were using old fashioned parachutes, “T-10’s” the kind you saw watching old World War II films. Just “hop and pop.” No worries.
My moment came. Dang! It was a LONG ways down. I looked at Anna, she smiled, and yelled: “IN THE DOOR. STANDBY. GO!” Out I went.
After a fashion, (about 3 seconds per Anna, I went through my drill and saw that glorious old green canopy over my head, and I was floating serenely, quietly, to Terra Firma.
It took a couple of weeks to remember what happened. The sensation is not anything I could describe to someone who has never jumped out of a perfectly good airplane from 3,000 feet.
It’s one thing to anticipate a major event, it’s quite another to realize afterwards it was nothing like what you thought it was going to be.  Such is going out to do the commandment of Jesus without the power of the holy Spirit. We might think we know what and how to do, but no, it’s not like anything we may think of.

Ministries Following the Beyond A.D. Series

A.D. Roma Downey & Mark Burnett on NBC

Turning Point Radio & TV

David Jeremiah is doing weekly sermon on TV each Sunday at Turning Point Radio.
Also available at OnePlace Radio

New Life Church Pismo Beach

Some tips to reading this book

Ask yourself if the person(s) here are yielded to theHoly Spirit (and receiving His power, or their own power.


Acts Timeline


Witnesses of Jesus in Jerusalem  Ch1-7
Witnesses of Jesus in Judea & Samaria Ch 8-12
Witnesses of Jesus to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth Ch 13-28
Acts 1:1-3
Introduction. Theophilus is mentioned in Luke 1:3 as “most excellent,” a title of Roman officialdom. There is a linkage of authority to the Spirit through which Jesus now communicates to His people, His church. This flows rather well as a continuation from the end of Luke (Luke 2436:-53)
Acts 1:4-8
Jesus commanded the disciples not to leave Jerusalem. This nay have been a difficult commandment to keep, what with all the powers that be arrayed against the followers of Jesus.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood person is Jesus, and by extension, God, Himself. Although He deliberately hides much of what He was going to do, for good reason, even after plainly explaining the order of events, the Disciples, and us by extension, armed with their (our) own preconceptions, are expecting something else.
So when Jesus is asked regarding the persistent “Kingdom Now!” expectation, He has to redirect the Disciples to remind them who is in charge. Remember, Jesus Himself did not know when (on Earth at lest) He would return. Matthew 24:35.
Instead, He has a much broader work to accomplish first, the establishment of the Church.
All through this book, we are given practical methods to accomplish how Jesus wants us to establish His church. What have we seen thus far?
Acts 1:9-11
A parallel of Luke 24:51-53. Now I wonder why the angels did this?
Acts 1:12-14
A Sabbath day journey, 2,000 cubits. Understood by the Rabbis from Exo 16:29 and Num 35:5 (Credit Ryrie study notes)
As far as not indwell by the HS, they did well here by being in constant prayer. This may have been partially motivated by the many people wanting to see them dead or otherwise MIA.
Acts 1:15-26
Peter proceeds to do what the pre-HS in-dwelt Peter did, shot first, then aim. More in a moment.
The account he relates of Judas Iscariot appears to be in odds with the account from the Matthew’s gospel Mat 27:5. It’s merely the completion of the story told there.
The Bible is full of such seeming contradictions. If you run across one, or some “Bib le Scholar” confronts you and you don’t know, say so and go and dig for yourself. It’s well worth the effort.
Peter proceeds to call a church meeting to elect a new Apostle. He certainly knew his Bible, quoting from Psalm 69:25 and 109:8.
Establishing the guidelines (having been with Jesus), he then proceeds to cast lots and elect Matthias, who is never heard from again. Q: Does this look like a Spirit inspired act?