Perspective. Values. They define how we interpret events. They really define as individuals, as our perspectives and values are manifestations of our deepest selves. We may talk sports and events and “skin deep” subjects, but deep down, we interpret life by our values which form our world-views.
Habakkuk Chapter 2 is an intimate glimpse into the heart of God. From it, we see what God values most; His Word, His Son, His salvation, His holiness. He detests pride, drunkenness unbelief, idolatry, thievery, injustice, immorality.
Habakkuk 2:1-4 – The Watchman and His Proclamation
Keeping watch. This is a minor theme of theme of the Bible. The idea is that since He first stands guard over us, (first mention is the agreement of Jacob and Laban’s marriage agreement, sometimes called the covenant of Mizpah, where God would watch over them. Gen 31:43-51)
God appoints Ezekiel a watchman and gives him certain responsibilities in Ezekiel 3:17-21. They included accountability of Ezekiel if he failed to warn Israel of anything God told Easy-K (his thug name) , God would require his blood. (Yikes!) Hal Lindsey describes himself as a watchman, warning believers and non-believers alike to make peace with God, and take action and live for Christ.
Recording the vision was the first step in being a watchman. Diligently, from the Ten Commandments (Exo 31:18)to the vision at Ephesus (Rev 1:17) to the Law written on our hearts (2 Cor 3:3). As with the covenant of Mizpah, God first does the writing, as His perfect example for us.
V2 Runs (his eyes over the document).
Vision Glorious Vision
The Vision begins with the sacredness of the Word. Faith that trusts its truth is highly rewarded, like the watchman and those who heeded the watchman’s warning. It will not come to pass in our time, but His perfect time, without fail.
But the glory is that when it comes to pass, the vision is amplified and made more glorious and wonderful when refocused in the lens of the New Testament: in Hebrews 10:37-38, the vision is resolved as the as a Jewish convert/believer undergoing trial and suffering,mockery and deprivation, the the glory of the coming of the Messiah!
The vision is glorious because it is diffracted to reveal God’s great salvation glory, His precious Son, the Gospel, in Galatians 3:11
The vision is glorious because it resolves God’s salvation to Jew and non-Jew, faith from start to finish; the overwhelming power of the Gospel in Romans 1:17. In it we are saved from the impossible requirement of personal works to become right with God; the chain of sin is shattered.
Despite the glorious vision of faith, the present Habakkuk’s vision, focusing on the judgment of both Israel and Babylon. (Wow, so perfect!) The proud is indicted on his pride, while the humble admit their need of help.
The Five Fold Indictment
Habakkuk 2:5-8 – Greed
Isa 14:4 & Jeremiah 50:13 speak of the Taunting reproof of those oppressed by drunken Babylon. Like Abigail’s husband, Nabal, who rebuffed David’s men, he found himself dead after God struck him paralyzed and dead. 1 Sam 25:3-ff
Habakkuk 2:9-11 – Extortion
Evil gain for his house. House can be thought of literally as the family of the person, while the literary allusions use a house as the comparing point. The stones cry out here, also in Joshua at his final dismissal (Josh 24:27), and Jesus at the fulfillment of Daniel 9:26 in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Mat 21:9 & Luke 19:38 quoting from Psalm 118:26
Habakkuk 2:12-14 – Slavery
Jehoiakim used forced labor and confiscated funds to build his palace. Toiling for fire means that ultimately, everything built in iniquity was burned up and did not survive. Our works will be so tested. 1 Cor 3:13 and 1 Peter 1:7.
Instead of human building of dinky temples and palaces and monuments, it will be pale in comparison to the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (ahem, that would be His glorious, saving-son). This is the millennial kingdom, I cannot wait for it. It is told here also in the Old Testament: Numbers 14:21, Psalm 72:19, Isa 6:3, 11:9 and of course, here.
Habakkuk 2:15-17 – Sorcery
This is not unlike pornography, in that they treat victims by drugging them with alcohol to lust upon them, and treat them as so much meat. The same can be said of the pornographer, there is no dignity, only exploitation, and shattered lives of those shamed, and those gazing upon them.
The rape of people was also done to the forests of Lebanon. Isa 14:7-8
Habakkuk 2:18-20 – Idolatry

The foolishness and base insult to God of the idol maker is on trial. While the idol is incapable of making a sound, unless it falls over and crashes (1 Sam 5:2-7), the Sovereign Lord commands silence
Memory Verse:
Habakkuk 2:4b – “But the righteous will live by his faith.”