Acts – Chapter 1

I had been dreading this moment. Up until now, it was simple drill. For eight hours we were shaken, hung out on ropes, yelled at, pushed and shoved, until we were ready for the big moment: My first parachute jump.
Heart in my throat, the plane climbed to altitude. My follow novice jumpers and I shared grim stares, oh, a few laughs and grins belying the inner terror. But we knew what was coming.
The jump master, Anna B. stood up, walked to back with the photographer, and up stood the first (I should say last) row of jumpers, inside a loud noisy, old, leaky DC3, #817.
First Jump. Didn’t see that coming.
They disappeared from view, with static lines, long strips of cord tied to the parachute pack so that the parachute pack to open it. It seemed silly, why not just jump out and pull that baby (the ripcord). After all, we were using old fashioned parachutes, “T-10’s” the kind you saw watching old World War II films. Just “hop and pop.” No worries.
My moment came. Dang! It was a LONG ways down. I looked at Anna, she smiled, and yelled: “IN THE DOOR. STANDBY. GO!” Out I went.
After a fashion, (about 3 seconds per Anna, I went through my drill and saw that glorious old green canopy over my head, and I was floating serenely, quietly, to Terra Firma.
It took a couple of weeks to remember what happened. The sensation is not anything I could describe to someone who has never jumped out of a perfectly good airplane from 3,000 feet.
It’s one thing to anticipate a major event, it’s quite another to realize afterwards it was nothing like what you thought it was going to be.  Such is going out to do the commandment of Jesus without the power of the holy Spirit. We might think we know what and how to do, but no, it’s not like anything we may think of.

Ministries Following the Beyond A.D. Series

A.D. Roma Downey & Mark Burnett on NBC

Turning Point Radio & TV

David Jeremiah is doing weekly sermon on TV each Sunday at Turning Point Radio.
Also available at OnePlace Radio

New Life Church Pismo Beach

Some tips to reading this book

Ask yourself if the person(s) here are yielded to theHoly Spirit (and receiving His power, or their own power.


Acts Timeline


Witnesses of Jesus in Jerusalem  Ch1-7
Witnesses of Jesus in Judea & Samaria Ch 8-12
Witnesses of Jesus to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth Ch 13-28
Acts 1:1-3
Introduction. Theophilus is mentioned in Luke 1:3 as “most excellent,” a title of Roman officialdom. There is a linkage of authority to the Spirit through which Jesus now communicates to His people, His church. This flows rather well as a continuation from the end of Luke (Luke 2436:-53)
Acts 1:4-8
Jesus commanded the disciples not to leave Jerusalem. This nay have been a difficult commandment to keep, what with all the powers that be arrayed against the followers of Jesus.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood person is Jesus, and by extension, God, Himself. Although He deliberately hides much of what He was going to do, for good reason, even after plainly explaining the order of events, the Disciples, and us by extension, armed with their (our) own preconceptions, are expecting something else.
So when Jesus is asked regarding the persistent “Kingdom Now!” expectation, He has to redirect the Disciples to remind them who is in charge. Remember, Jesus Himself did not know when (on Earth at lest) He would return. Matthew 24:35.
Instead, He has a much broader work to accomplish first, the establishment of the Church.
All through this book, we are given practical methods to accomplish how Jesus wants us to establish His church. What have we seen thus far?
Acts 1:9-11
A parallel of Luke 24:51-53. Now I wonder why the angels did this?
Acts 1:12-14
A Sabbath day journey, 2,000 cubits. Understood by the Rabbis from Exo 16:29 and Num 35:5 (Credit Ryrie study notes)
As far as not indwell by the HS, they did well here by being in constant prayer. This may have been partially motivated by the many people wanting to see them dead or otherwise MIA.
Acts 1:15-26
Peter proceeds to do what the pre-HS in-dwelt Peter did, shot first, then aim. More in a moment.
The account he relates of Judas Iscariot appears to be in odds with the account from the Matthew’s gospel Mat 27:5. It’s merely the completion of the story told there.
The Bible is full of such seeming contradictions. If you run across one, or some “Bib le Scholar” confronts you and you don’t know, say so and go and dig for yourself. It’s well worth the effort.
Peter proceeds to call a church meeting to elect a new Apostle. He certainly knew his Bible, quoting from Psalm 69:25 and 109:8.
Establishing the guidelines (having been with Jesus), he then proceeds to cast lots and elect Matthias, who is never heard from again. Q: Does this look like a Spirit inspired act?

Informal Logical Fallacies

Also known as Common train Wrecks to Clear Thinking. Most are illustrated using Bible verses, where possible.

Often we find ourselves seemingly losing an argument, discussion, or negotiation simply because the other party employed illogical statements. The student of these will soon realize the great extent to which they are used and never realized that these statements simply are built on bad thinking, and therefore refutable.

Be careful though! Once you master these and others, you may find yourself alone as you unravel conversations, win discussions, but find everyone else has stormed out of the room.



Accent or Emphasis I did not say that. I DID not say that. I did NOT say that. I did not SAY that. I did not say THAT.
Amphibole “I live by the river, drop in sometime” The airplane took off with Mary on it, her nose hugging the ground.”
Equivocation Using the same word twice with different meanings. “If all men are created equal, why are basketball players so tall?”
Significance (or circumstance) Son of God means two different things to a New ager and a Christian.


Ab Annis Arguing to age. “New! Improved Tide!” “Sexual purity is an outdated Victorian idea.”
Ad Baculum By force. “You can believe my argument, or get an F for the test.”
Ad Futuris Appeal to the future. “The future will hold the answer to our problems.” “Missing links will no doubt be found to support evolution.”
Ad Hominem abusive Attack against the person. “That Brown is such a dirtball. Don’t believe anything he says.”
Ad Hominem circumstantial An attack against a group of people or a circumstance surrounding an individual. “Since Christians are narrow minded bigot-homophobes, don’t believe what they say.
Ad Ignorantiam Arguing for the proof of something by showing no evidence for the opposing position. “There can’t be a God since I can’t see Him.”
Ad Misericordiam
An appeal to pity. “Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple roble. Pilate said to them ‘Behold the man’ (lit Ecce homo) John 19:5. Pilate appeals to pity the beaten whipped Jesus as a way to get himself out of a politcal mess.
Ad Populum Believe this because it is popularly believed. “Since Christianity is a divisive doctrine, we should reject it.”
Ad Verecundium An appeal to false authority, like having an actress plead in front of Congress about the effects of Alar (a agricultural chemical used in apple production) on babies. What in the world would an actor know about biochemical properties so as this? Or “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.”
Begging the Question (Petitio Principii) Circular Reasoning. Index fossils are used to date rock layers. Placement in a rock layer is used to date fossils.
Category Error Mixing apples and oranges “Can God make a rock so big that He Himself cannot lift it?”
Cliché This says to believe an argument because a cliché makes it seem true. It overgeneralizes. “Avoid clichés like the plague.”
Complex question Presupposing the truth of a thing in order to prove it. “Do you still beat your mother?”
Composition “Our Church is superior because of its superior members.”
Consensus Gentium A majority of people believe a thing, therefore it must be true. “The vast majority of scientists believe evolution is true, therefore it must be.” But Dad, everybody is doing it.”
Dicto Simpliciter (fallacy of the general rule) Trying to fit a unique case to a general rule. Satan tried to pull this on Jesus when he said “If you are the Son of God throw yourself down, for it is written, ‘He will give His Angels charge over You lest You dash your foot against a stone.'” This quotation of Psalms 91:11-12 was meant as a comfort for the confidence of God’s anointed.
Division Our church members are better because our church is superior.
Faulty Analogy Using an analogy to attempt to show superficial similarities to another thing. “Believing in Jesus is like believing in the tooth fairy.”
Faulty Dilemma This is creating a dilemma where none exists. “Lord, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?” John 9:2-3
Genetic Fallacy Something should be rejected because it comes from a bad source. “Can anything goo d come from Nazareth?” Used to reject creationism.
Hasty Generalization Using an exception to build a case where the exception doesn’t fit. “If Paul recommends wine for Timothy, then it must be OK for me.”
Hypothesis Contrary to fact  The name says it all. Using a known false statement as the basis of an argument or advancing a position.
Ignoratio Elenchi (Irrelevant conclusion) Arguing a point, and giving a conclusion that is only vaguely related to the argument. “Legalizing marijuana is right because many are helped by the good feelings they receive when they smoke it.”
Natural Fallacy (is ought) What is, ought to be. “We should give kids condoms because they’re going to have sexual relations anyway.”
Nothing Buttery Reducing a complex thing without a valid reason. “Man is nothing but protoplasm.” It is an overgeneralization.
Operatergo veritat It works therefore it is true
Petitio Principii (see Begging the Question)
Prestige Jargon This is a use of specialized jargon usually meant to intimidate or divert. “Well Bill, I can’t come over today because of my entire family has come down with acute coryza, and I fear for their health.” (Coryza is the common cold.)
Red Herring This is a simple diversion away from the facts. Often used to create a shock reaction. Reporter:” Mr. President, when you stop saying Medicare is being cut when it isn’t.” President: “Why just as soon as you people in press quit reporting it that way yourselves.”
Slippery Slope An overgeneralization that says to reject something because it will slip into that. “The use of marijuana will lead to heroin addiction.”
Special Pleading Using only that portion of evidence that looks unfavorable to an opponent when the majority of the evidence supports the opponent. “How can a good God allow suffering to exist?” Specially worded surveys are a common tactic that commit special pleading.
Straw Man A way of stacking the deck by exaggerating or distorting the opposing argument. “Creationists believe the Earth was created in 4004 BC.” ” If men are saved by grace, then we might as well continue to sin since Go d can show more grace.” Romans 6:11ff
Post Hoc Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc – After this, therefore because (on account) of this. The questionable cause fallacy. “Everyone who has eaten an egg has eventually died, therefore eating eggs causes death.”Luke 13:4-5 “Do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Jesus dissociates the cause and effect of some unfortunates to get to the real need these people had: forgiveness of sins.

I’m Sorry – Did You Say Apologetics?

I'm Sorry - Did You Say Apologetics?

Happy New Year. Striving to find the right study in a New Year, I happened on a documentary by Tim Mahoney, Patterns of Evidence: Exodus.

The film reviews evidence for the historicity of the book of Exodus allowing for several viewpoints on the subject from scholars, archeologists, theologians, and finishes with a taped panel discussion.

Although he never says so, Mahoney comes out (and shows compelling evidence for) a view that suggests the traditional timeline for the Exodus is off by a few hundred years, and shows that when then compared to history, archeology, and internal Biblical evidence, a compelling case can be made for an earlier timeline.

Mahoney divides the event into 5 periods, the Jacob and his sons saved by Joseph as 2nd in the land, the period afterwards living in Egypt, the period of slavery and oppression,  the10 plagues and the Red Sea miracles, and the conquest of Canaan after the wilderness period. Two excellent reviews covering more detail were written by Answers in Genesis, and Institute for Creation Research.

Why is this important to the Christian? As  noted rabbi David Wolpe quipped on Michael Medved’s syndicated radio program (shown in the movie), his belief in the Exodus, as a Jew is not hinged on the authenticity of the Exodus account. Indeed, since the 1950’s some archeologists have tended to date Exodus at a time when evidence for the event is non-existent.

For this reason, many Christians call into question the historicity of the Exodus, allegorizing it, or worse, losing faith. Apologetics does not replace faith, nothing can replace faith. Apologetics instead harmonizes what God says (the Bible) and the physical, historical, textual record. Though science and theology clash, God  and His Creation (nature) do not.

A Timeline of the Exodus, from Patterns of Evidence: Exodus
A Timeline of the Exodus, from Patterns of Evidence: Exodus

As was said, Mahoney presents compelling evidence for a timeline earlier than some (a majority, though not all) archeologists favor. But this belies an unspoken question: Why should we even have to deal with this doubt and unbelief in the first place?

Simply, we need to recognize that our major adversary, Satan, has been using this tactic since the Garden of Eden. “Did God really say if you ate of the fruit…?” It was effective then, all the more now, unless  we girds ourselves with truth Eph 6:14. That illustration of a belt is apt: the belt is the foundation of the Armor of God. The more we can counter the whispers of skepticism with truth, the more confident we are.

In closing, don’t use apologetics (a defense of the faith) as a weapon. Yes, we can offer a reply and a reason for our faith, but no one has ever come to faith by reason. Only the Holy Spirit can do this by convicting the unbeliever of sin, righteousness, and judgment. (John 16:8) Our job is to spread the Good News, not sell it. Matthew 28:20-21, Luke 8:4-15.

Habakkuk Chapter 3

“It’s not opposite day.” So would begin a game my older daughter and I would sometimes play saying the opposite of something. Everything you said had to be the opposite of what you really wanted to say.

It’s charming game, and stretched the creative and thinking juices of a witty nine year old against her slower father. “We’re not going to the store to buy ice cream, dad” was especially hard to resist. The biggest challenge was how to end the game. I smile thinking of those times.

Events in the Fall of 2014 do not often evoke such fondness. The times nag and bring discomfort, near panic, steeped in worry and anxiety.

Evil reigns. Across the ocean evil people seek to kidnap, rob, behead, and intimidate in the Middle East. Our only friend there, the very apple of God’s eye, Israel, is surrounded and attacked at every turn. Abroad, enemies of the Jews circle her waiting and encouraging her downfall. Even our own allies and those in our land share their sentiment.

In North Korea, a third generation despot threatens nuclear death to its neighbors and to us, and arms outré enemies with nuclear capability and delivery systems.

In Africa, an ugly virus is out of control, killing thousands and brings its death to our shores where leaders in name only have not the political backbone, who cower and acquesce to political correctness to not close the borders to protect the nation.

Inside our once fair country, where the national motto was not merely a slogan on a now devalued coin, sexual sin is promoted as a life style, mind altering drugs are legal, leaders openly flaunt the law, and universities teach lies , businesses promote greed and want, and national law enforcement turns its back on the law.

And these events continue to accelerate.

But God

Chapter three is Habakkuk’s response to God’s plan of judgment. God will restore righteousness, Habakkuk saw that, as should we. As his times were, ours are. To God the world is not turning itself upside down or inside out, opposing righteousness. To God, it’s not opposite day.

The Watchman’s Response

Habakkuk 3:1-2

He prays, he reverences Yahweh, and he worships with a song written for the profound revelation he received. His shigionoth a powerful heart-felt musical piece.

He asks Yahweh to “revive His work,” to do again what He once did for Israel to being it out of its spiritual torpor. He knows judgment is needed to waken the country back to acknowledging their special relationship and need for God, as a loving father spanks his child, not from anger, but to get the attention of a wayward child.

The Two-fold Response to God’s Glory

Habakkuk 3:3-5 – The Watchman Beholds God’s Glory

He beholds splendor, beauty and loving awe. God appears from Teman, a place in Edom This verse is close to Moses’s swan song in Deuteronomy 33, which we shall see at the end of the chapter. During the Exodus, the Edomites would not give Israel safe passage Num 20:17-22. This was recounted in Psalm  137, a lament. In v 7 where Edom was eager to have the Babylonians raze Jerusalem to its foundations.

It is little wonder that the Almighty was already in Edom, to execute judgment. Even when we cannot see God working, we can know that He is already in the midst of things.

His splendor is like the radiance displayed in Revelation 1 & 4 and 5.

Habakkuk 3:6-11 – The Nations Behold God’s Glory

Evil requires shaking to bring it out of its Godless torpor also to see God’s Glory, to be directed against evil rulers and the who obey them.

God brings out and demonstrates His lordship over His creation. All things obey Him. And we, who have the Holy Spirit, can behold Him without need of physical manifestations like these. We Christians like top use the word “awesome,” but awesome is more like this. Jesus gave His perspective of an Awesome God:

  “But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!” – Luke 12:5

The narration speaks of the Day of the Lord predicted in Joel and other places, and culminating in the Great Tribulation. V9 Speaks of letting loose Yahweh’s weapons and His promise to let fly judgment. Think about that! (Selah)

Habakkuk 3:12-15 – Judgment of Judah’s Oppressors

The same will be done against Israel’s enemies, (Hebrews 13:8). It is a side of our God that we too often ignore or minimize because it does not match our template of who we think our God should be. And that borders on idolatry, making God inout image, instead seeing Him for who He really is.

Yahweh uses the weapons Israel’s enemies meant for Israel, just as He reversed the plot of Haman. Esther 7:10

Habakkuk 3:16-17 – The Watchman’s Response

Habakkuk’s predictable reponse is reverential fear, as we have discussed previously. In the middle of Judah’s chastisement, Habakkuk’s intimacy with Yahweh reassures him that this is a chastisement, a spanking, not a whipping

Habakkuk 3:18-19 – The Conclusion of the Matter

The prophet was assured he would walk confidently  the high ground which had been his enemy’s , but now strode on by Habakkuk. God is the master of this sort of “inside out” thinking. All through the Bible, Yahweh demonstrates over and over victory at the last moment where despair ruled just prior. Some examples include

Joseph thrown into a dry pit, sold into slavery, thrown again into prison by a shunned adulterous woman, to be exalted to the number two position in Egypt; all part of The Plan. Gen 37:18-36, 40,41


The story of Job, lost his children and all his possessions, given a grievous skin disease, mocked at by his wife and friends, reprimanded by God, yet restored double in possessions and children (he never lost the first ones)

Daniel’s friends in the lion’s den, David vs Goliath, Mordecai vs Haman, Israel in the present day, and of course, the ultimate reversal, Jesus mocked, spat upon, tortured and agonizing death reversed into God’s greatest  glory, His salvation.

But the end of the matter is from the beginning of the chapter. Moses tread, babysat, led, adjudicated, interceded, was very angry with his flock, the nation of Israel. He watched all the generation of 20 and up at the beginning of the Exodus die in the wilderness. He saw the harassment, the murmuring, the enemy attacks.

Yet he had not represented God well at Meribah-kadesh (Numbers 20:8-12) when he became angry at the people and struck (twice even) a rock after he was specifically told to speak to it. It was a carefully constructed analogy Yahweh wanted to make regarding His Son. And now, God told him to go up a hill in what was to be a Gentile land, and see, but not go into the promised land. It was a harsh, but necessary chastisement to Moses, the people, and leadership (then and NOW) that leaders are to keep Yahweh’s Name holy in all that they do. And so he died and God buried him…

The very next verses in the narrative, Deuteronomy 33 shows the blessing Moses gave to the tribes. But see how he begins it:

 “The LORD came from Sinai,
And dawned on them from Seir;
He shone forth from Mount Paran,
And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones;
At His right hand there was flashing lightning for them.  – Deu 33:2

Pretty close to the same way Habakkuk began this chapter; with God coming from Paran and Teman, all in Edom, Israel’s half-brother and bitter enemy. But like Moses, Habakkuk held faith and worshipped then as had Moses previously. Neither knew exactly how the matter would turn out.

But God.

Moses died having never gone into Canaan. But wait, he DID.

“Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. And behold, two men were talking with Him; and they were Moses and Elijah, who, appearing in glory, were speaking of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”  – Luke 9:28-31

God had a way to allow Moses to enter the promised land after dying. This is because of His great love and tenderness for us. Even in our rebellion against Him, like Judea rebelled against God. Perhaps Habakkuk took stock in the next verse of Moses’ great blessing, and re-enforced his confidence and caused him to walk as confident as a deer on a high place for his country’s chastisement, just as Moses was able to bless after his chastisement:

“Indeed, He loves the people;
All Your holy ones are in Your hand,
And they followed in Your steps;
Everyone receives of Your words.”  – Deu 33:3

Memory Verse – The Lord God is my strength, And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet, And makes me walk on my high places.” Habakkuk 3:19a

Application –To remain steadfast in harrowing times, call on Him and remember the good promises made to us.

Habakkuk Chapter 2

Perspective. Values. They define how we interpret events. They really define as individuals, as our perspectives and values are manifestations of our deepest selves. We may talk sports and events and “skin  deep” subjects, but deep down, we interpret life by our values which form our world-views.

Habakkuk Chapter 2 is an intimate glimpse into the heart of God. From it, we see what God values most; His Word, His Son, His salvation, His holiness. He detests pride, drunkenness  unbelief, idolatry, thievery, injustice, immorality.

Habakkuk 2:1-4 – The Watchman and His Proclamation

Keeping watch. This is a minor theme of theme of the Bible. The idea is that since He first stands guard over us, (first mention is the agreement of Jacob and Laban’s marriage agreement, sometimes called the covenant of Mizpah, where God would watch over them. Gen 31:43-51)

God appoints Ezekiel a watchman and gives him certain responsibilities in Ezekiel 3:17-21. They included accountability of Ezekiel if he failed to warn Israel of anything God told Easy-K (his thug name) , God would require his blood. (Yikes!) Hal Lindsey describes himself as a watchman, warning believers and non-believers alike to make peace with God, and take action and live for Christ.

Recording the vision was the first step in being a watchman. Diligently, from the Ten Commandments (Exo 31:18)to the vision at Ephesus (Rev 1:17) to the Law written on our hearts (2 Cor 3:3). As with the covenant of Mizpah, God first does the writing, as His perfect example for us.
V2 Runs (his eyes over the document).

Vision Glorious Vision

The Vision begins with the sacredness of the Word. Faith that trusts its truth is highly rewarded, like the watchman and those who heeded the watchman’s warning. It will not come to pass in our time, but His perfect time, without fail.

But the glory is that when it comes to pass, the vision is amplified and made more glorious and wonderful when refocused in the lens of the New Testament: in Hebrews 10:37-38, the vision is resolved as the as a Jewish convert/believer undergoing trial and suffering,mockery and deprivation, the the glory of the coming of the Messiah!

The vision is glorious because it is diffracted to reveal God’s great salvation glory, His precious Son, the Gospel, in Galatians 3:11

The vision is glorious because it resolves God’s salvation to Jew and non-Jew, faith from start to finish;  the overwhelming power of the Gospel in Romans 1:17. In it we are saved from the impossible requirement of personal works to become right with God; the chain of sin is shattered.

Despite the glorious vision of faith, the present Habakkuk’s vision, focusing on the judgment of both Israel and Babylon. (Wow, so perfect!) The proud is indicted on his pride, while the humble admit their need of help.

The Five Fold Indictment

Habakkuk 2:5-8 – Greed

Isa 14:4 & Jeremiah 50:13 speak of the Taunting reproof of those oppressed by drunken Babylon. Like Abigail’s husband, Nabal, who rebuffed David’s men, he found himself dead after God struck him paralyzed and dead.  1 Sam 25:3-ff

Habakkuk 2:9-11 – Extortion

Evil gain for his house. House can be thought of literally as the family of the person, while the literary allusions use a house as the comparing point. The stones cry out here, also in Joshua at his final dismissal (Josh 24:27), and Jesus at the fulfillment of Daniel 9:26 in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Mat 21:9 & Luke 19:38 quoting from Psalm 118:26

Habakkuk 2:12-14 – Slavery

Jehoiakim used forced labor and confiscated funds to build his palace. Toiling for fire means that ultimately, everything built in iniquity was burned up and did not survive. Our works will be so tested. 1 Cor 3:13 and 1 Peter 1:7.

Instead of human building of dinky temples and palaces and monuments, it will be pale in comparison to the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (ahem, that would be His glorious, saving-son).  This is the millennial kingdom, I cannot wait for it. It is told here also in the Old Testament: Numbers 14:21, Psalm 72:19, Isa 6:3, 11:9 and of course, here.

Habakkuk 2:15-17 – Sorcery

This is not unlike pornography, in that they treat victims by drugging them with alcohol to lust upon them, and treat them as so much meat. The same can be said of the pornographer, there is no dignity, only exploitation, and shattered lives of those shamed, and those gazing upon them.

The rape of people was also done to the forests of Lebanon. Isa 14:7-8

Habakkuk 2:18-20 – Idolatry

Dagon fall over go boom
Dagon fall over go boom

The foolishness and base insult to God of the idol maker is on trial. While the idol is incapable of making a sound, unless it falls over and crashes (1 Sam 5:2-7), the Sovereign Lord commands silence

Memory Verse:

Habakkuk 2:4b – “But the righteous will live by his faith.”

Habakkuk: Chapter 1

Ice will win the war! Poor Geoffrey Pyke. No, he had money. And a mind, a tinkerer’s mind. And the ear of the rich & famous: Lord Mountbatten. His consternation over one of his oddball, serendipituous inventions was a wood fiber and water mixture, that, when frozen, refused to melt. His acquaintance, Lord Mountbatten, sold the idea to Churchill, who needed a way to station planes forms the United States to Britain to protect them fem the Germans.

The ice mixture was called pykrete, after its inventor, and he named the aircraft carriers he proposed to built from the stuff, “Habakkuk,” after Hab 1:5:

“Because I am doing something in your days— You would not believe if you were told.”

Sadly, unlike pykrete, the Habakkuk Project melted on the back burner of the practical. It was never built. But as astonished as Pyke was at the non-melting ice, the real Habakkuk was even more astonished that God would use a terrible, fierce, rogue nation to be His instrument of correction.

Habakkuk 1:2-4 – Why does God Permit Evil?

2 Peter 2 speaks also to this.

Consider the charges Habakkuk brings against his people (Judeans):
Violence – chamas H2555 Isn’t that interesting! Arabic word means zeal See Haaretz’s Word of the day  for background. It is a homophone (sounds the same, like two and too). First use of this word is in Genesis 6:11-13:

Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.

So it would seem that God (and His sin-sensitive mouthpiece, Habakkuk) consider corruption the cause of violence. Could it be our prophet is looking for an ark to protect and purge?

Iniquity – Trouble, sorrow, wickedness

Wickedness – morally very bad, fierce evil.

Destruction & Violence – It is  a simple thing to destroy. The coward needs little systematic effort nor organized planning to bring a work from a high state of organization, engineering, and focused effort to physical or moral rubble. To the builder belongs the praise, the destroyer destroys and then move on. There is no future withe the destroyer and his minions; they cannot build up a thing a people, or a society. All they can offer is the fleeting pleasure of its downfall, and the heartache that accompanies it. Pro 3:31-32

Strife & Contention – Jeremiah 15:10 shows how Jeremiah was a bringer of strife for the right reasons. Dividers take differences that ought not to matter, to manipulate the resulting contention for their own gain, usually political power. Jesus on the other hand, admonishes us to be peacemakers. (Sermon on the Mount, you go look it up. Hint: towards the start of Matthew’s Gospel.) Jude also had unflattering things to say about false prophets, who also caused divisions (Jude 19). Check your spiritual thermometer, are you a cause of strife? Do you divide? Murmuring against one leader or another?

Ignoring the Law – A law unto themselves. Coulsd be a benevolent ruler, or a tyrant. But it doesn’t matter, one who ignores the law is a lawmaker unto themselves, usurping the Law of God, and guilty of the supreme sin, pride:

“Do you indeed speak righteousness, O gods? Do you judge uprightly, O sons of men?” – Psalm 58:1

The “god” there is literally a mighty one. The meaning is one who judges. To a judge who judges rightly, well & good. Otherwise they ARE their own god.

Justice not Upheld – Slightly different, such as someone who has the deck stacked in his favor before he goes to court, often by bribery or influence, even extortion. Psalm 82:2 cries out:

“How long will you judge unjustly And show partiality to the wicked?”

Perverted Justice – Since the righteous are unable to administer justice, the is perversely applied.

Does any of this seem relevant?

Habakkuk 1:5-11 – God’s Answer

Jesus is on every page. The response God gave Habakkuk is quoted by Paul in Acts 13:41 to the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch as a warning to the Jews if they did not repent and turn to Jesus. They did not, and the prophecy of Jesus in the Olivet Discourse (Mat 25) was fulfilled, sadly.

This is yet another instance of a double prophecy, one that has a near and far fulfillment. Some other examples are Isa 7:14,
Num 21:9 with John 3, Joel 2:28-32 with Acts 2:16-21.

The Chaldeans are the progenitors of the Babylonians, of whom we spoke last week. God goes on to describe them to Habakkuk, and us. Note, they did not follow the norms of the day, they were a law unto themselves, certainly not of Yahweh. Jer 39:5-9 gives an insight of Baylonian justice with the capture of Zedekiah, which, as a side note, fulfilled in a strange way, the prophecy of Ezekiel 12:13

V10 tells how they mock and laugh. Isa 14:16 shows this, and the comeuppance they would eventually receive.

Habakkuk 1:12-17 – Are You Serious?

Isaiah 13 & 14, Jeremiah 50 % 51, and the as yet then, Revelation 17 & 18 deal with the punishment that God would pour out on Babylon. So the consternation Habakkuk shows is understandable.

Drag them away as in a net. Part of the problem is that the good will be judged with the bad.

We will not die is better understood as a question.

Habakkuk: Introduction


Why? I used to think that it was impertinent to ask God that question. After all, He’s God, and I’m not. Besides, I thought, he never answered Job’s great question, why do people suffer…

…Such as on the El Toro Y? Why do people put up with that  insufferable piece of road? It will never have enough lanes to accommodate the traffic passing through it. And the drivers will MOW you down if your speed falls below 85, provided it hasn’t been transformed into a parking lot, which it does, for 22 of 24 hours a day.

Why do they put up with it? I couldn’t. I’m not tough enough. I moved. (Just kidding, my sisters and brothers of the OC, I salute you.)

God, why don’t You do something about this dreadful world we live in, and punish the evil in our land, the injustice, the mocking of God, the tolerance and celebration of depravity, the exaltation of false religion, the persecution of the righteous?

Wait, are we speaking of 7th century BC Israel, or 21st century United States? After all, this is a website dedicated to the return of God’s people in America to God after all.

So let’s see how God answered our intrepid questioner. Will there be a glimmer of insight or perspective into our present-day moral dilemma? I hope so. After all, God rewarded Habakkuk’s questions, for which we should all be grateful. Had he not asked, we might not get this insight as to how God might deal with another country called by His Name (In God we Trust).

And I don’t fret any more about asking God my why questions…

The Book

The book is a powerhouse The three doctrinal books of the NT are Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews. And all quote from itty bitty Habakkuk. (Hab 2:4) the cornerstone of the Christian faith, salvation by grace through faith.

It is eloquently written. Although compact in size, it’s subject is covered seldom elsewhere. And we see the progression of a “Doubting Thomas” (maybe Thomas should be a doubting Habakkuk) from perplexity to praise, the (super) natural response of the believer whose question is answered. It was written just before the exile to Babylon.

Chapter Outline

Chapter 1: The Piquing Problems of the Prophet.
Chapter 2: The Patient Persistence of the Prophet
Chapter 3:The Powering Praise of the Prophet

Habakkuk 1:1 The Man and His Times

An oracle is also translated a burden, a judicial judgment about to be passed. Recall the use of the word burden from Galatians 6:2; it is to be shared, it is too grievous to bear alone. He received this burn; it is God’s burden, which He chose to relay to people through His instrument, Habakkuk. Habakkuk means embracer. We could throw a lot of speculation, but perhaps we might think of this (and every other Biblical writer) as God’s instruments Almost everything we know about him we surmise, from his name to his actions to his times. We may say, however, he appears to be a learned man, his book is polished prose. We know he was a musician, the end of the book includes a directive that the third chapter, a psalm, was to be played on his stringed instruments. We know he possessed the sensitive heart of a righteous man; like righteous Lot (2 Peter 2:7), he too was oppressed by the wickedness of his countrymen. He lived near the time of the deportation of Judea to Babylon. The last righteous king, Josiah, was dead, replaced by such evil as Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah.

Green are good kings, red are bad
Kings of Israel

The spiritual stench of these last rulers of the monarchy was so egregious, that the Lord went so far as to terminate the monarchy:

Thus says the Lord, ‘Write this man down childless, A man who will not prosper in his days; For no man of his descendants will prosper sitting on the throne of David,  or ruling again in Judah.’  Jeremiah 22:30

The indictment of Judea was grievous: The country, led by its evil kings (and those guys put the E in evil) We can summarize them thus:

He did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done 2 Kings 23:37

He did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father had done.2 Kings 25:9


He did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that Jehoiakim had done.

2 Kings 24:19

Sounds like a broken record. Some specifiics: Jehoiakim was a vassal of Pharaoh Neco. To pay the heavy tribute, he imposed heavy taxes, undid all the spiritual reforms hips father Josiah had instituted, brought back idol worship, especially Egyptian cultic practices. He also  built expensive palaces with forced labor, killed innocent people, including a prophet, Uriah (nb not the band Uriah Heep:) ) and burned Jeremiah’s scroll, and according to Josephus:

and was neither reverent toward God, nor kind to man. Antiquities 10.83

This was the injustice that assaulted Habakkuk. But as we shall soon see, the solution might have seemed to poor Habakkuk as using gasoline to quench a fire: the dreaded Babylonians!

The Babylonians Under Nebuchadnezzar

The concept of Babylon, all by itself, was enough to put dread into the heart of the pious Jew of the 7th century BC. Under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, the  troops under his command might be likened to the blitzkrieg (Lightning War) tactics of the Nazis in World War 2.

During this time, Nebuchadnezzar routedPharaoh Neco at the battle of Carchemish (606BC) after earlier defeating the Assyrians in 612 BC at Nineveh. See entries at Jer 46:2 and 2 Chr 35:20-24

The spiritual depravity of the city and empire date back to just after the Flood, and the rebellion at the Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9. That was the beginning of the formal rebellion against God, spearheaded by no less than Satan himself. Isaiah 14:1-23 who was the “man behind the man” fomenting this rebellion.

And this was not lost on the Jews. That God would use the very nation in whose crosshairs was centered the focus of His direct and deserved wrath blew Habakkuk’s mind.

And the tip of the spear was Nebuchadnezzar himself. Of all things, hand picked by God to be the mightiest ruler of all time, a man with absolute authority Dan 2:36:39.

He was also ruthless: Daniel’s companions were thrown into the lion’s den for failure to worship his graven image. Daniel, who had won Nebby-K’s (a sobriquet used to keep the stories interesting to my two daughters) confidence was thrown into the lion’s den, who after surviving the night, Nebuchadnezzar had the conspirators and their families thrown into the same pit.


Am I bold in my prayer? Am I praying for revival in my nation, state, in my city, in my church, my family, my heart?

Galatians Chapter 6: The Life of Grace


Galatians 6:1-5


You who are spiritual. Really, is their anyone fearing this who thinks they are not spiritual? The problem developing is the the admonition to assist other Christians in time of need without either looking down on their misfortune and unwilling to help because of their their deluded high self opinion. The other end is is verse 4 where we try to get someone to do what we do, playing manipulative victim. Both are forms of stinky, icky pride. And pride, above all other sins, is the sin God detests more than any other.

For some reason, we seem to put up with pride, it is welcome and received almost everywhere. The humble person realizes that all they have comes as an unwarranted gift from a gracious God.


Law of Christ: Love one another. Trespass, go off mark, not  huge sin. Restore: to set  a broken bone or mend a fishing net. The verse at  1 Cor 2:15 shows us the insight of the spiritually mature Christian.  

Galatians 6:1-5

Loads and Burdens

Gal 6:2  Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ. Burden is the Greek word baros- it means weight, excessive load, connotation is somebody puts a hundred pound rock in your backpack. As this verse says, these are to be shared among Christians; we were never supposed or expected to bear burdens alone.


Gal 6:5  For each one shall bear his own load. Load here is the Greek word phortion, it means a load, or a cargo. A cargo is something that one is expected to carry, my share of responsibility. I spend  most of my working day, as a matter of fact, determining for my company’s package car drivers exactly what is a fair load, and not an excessive burden.

Galatians 6:6-10 V6: Please make checks payable to cash. (Joke)   The other side of bearing loads and sharing burdens is the bearing of a preacher / pastor’s burden, the obligation of the church to support the ministry of the Word. In 1 Cor 9, Paul expands the idea of proper expectation of this ministry.


As is the Law of Love, so this giving is an evidence of the heart condition of the Christian. Jesus gives us the foundation in Luke 16:13 and its parallel  Mat 6:24. Again, it’s not a requirement, but an evidence, a fruit of the spirit.

Galatians 6:11-18 Paul had eye problems, the thorn in his flesh (2 Cor 12:7) is believed to be an eye condition combined with this statement that Paul used large letters because he could not see well.

By having the Galatians jumping through the circus hoops of the Law, especially circumcision, these people sought to dominate the Galatians and anyone they could suck in.


But Paul understood better than most. He, as a dominant Pharisee recognized the power of domination by being chained to the Law, and ultimately to recognize its meaninglessness in being saved from one’s sins.


The Judaizers sought to mutilate the body with circumcision; Paul had been mutilated for Christ and the Gospel by the marks he bore:

  • 2 Cor 11:25-33 shows three times beaten with rods (Acts 16:22),
  • Stoned in  Acts 14:29, shipwrecked in Acts 27, jailed,
  • Let down in a basket to escape the Judaizers and on and on.


The message seems to be “Don’t tell me about body mutilation, I have lived it for Christ. The difference is that one is self-inflicted, the other, the result of preaching against (in essence) that very affliction!

Religious Spotlight – Walter Martin Cult of Liberal Christianity

Galatians Chapter 5: Liberty

Can we visit for a moment, you & I? How are you, friend? How have you been? No, really. I’d like to know. Specifically, how’s your week going? Is that all? Oh, wait, what else? And how much free time DO yo have? Wow! You are busy.

Aren't you busy!
Aren’t you busy!

Well, if you’re reading this tiny post, on a tiny blog, in a vast sea of words and pixels and video and sound and distraction, you are probably looking for something on Galatians. Maybe you’re a Bible study teacher, maybe a student, possibly grabbing a picture or reference. Help yourself, by all means.

But you ARE a BUSY Christian. My goodness. Did you day you serve your church, maybe another or two or three miniseries. A pastor?

OK, one more question: Are you a Martha or a Mary? Of course I’m speaking of the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha. Mary sits at the feet of Jesus, and Martha makes lunch abad gets spun up because she’s working working working and Mary is (in her mind) lollygagging when there’s work to be done. See Luke 10:38-42 for the story if you’re not familiar. Go ahead, I’ll wait. I’d like to know how you rate yourself.

I thought so.  Me too. I get spun up and writing, playing, practicing, studying, and my devotional life suffers. Luther suffered from this as well. He did stations of the Cross, fasting, indulgences, and a lot of other things until he came to the end of himself.

Ray Stedman described the moment:

“He (Martin Luther) was struck by a verse in the Psalms that said,

…in thy righteousness, deliver me! (Psalms 31:1 RSV)
This gripped Martin Luther’s heart because the righteousness of God was to him a terrible thing — that unbendable righteous judgment by which God would destroy everyone who failed in the least degree to measure up to the full expectation of the holiness of God. Luther said that he even hated the word “righteousness.””

There’s an old saw that goes “If the devil can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy.” Busy is an enemy. It’s a treadmill and an idol that allows us to block out intimacy with God and people by salving our conscious by or works. It can run periliously close to works righteousness.

But our hearts are turned to Christ, so that, as we will see in chapter 6, we can be liberated from that yoke, provided we have spent time at the foot of the Master, and wear only His yoke, His light burden.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Galatians 5:1 This could very well be a summary verse for the book.  Freedom is the purpose of the letter, and dedication to this or any other freedom requires diligence, since it is an unnatural human state. Our forefathers knew this well, and fashioned our Constitution in such a way as to prevent tyranny and bondage to be imposed on the citizenry. From the Declaration of Independence:+ 


“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”


In other words, the government would rather change the rules for “efficiency and  streamlining” and that we the people are more apt to put up with that cost. It took a bloody revolution to overthrow our shackles, and sadly, we are allowing ourselves to be fitted with a new shiny yoke.

Galatians 5:2-6 If you leave the Gospel, are on your own. And not only are you on your own, you have to walk a tightrope a thousand feet over the Grand Canyon. One slip, and you’re  a goner. 



So instead of the tightrope of Law, we place hope, not a nebulous expression of wishful worldly thinking, but a surety, because the basis of that hope is God Himself, and His proven promises. This makes works meaningless in terms of salvation. There true relationship will be expressed shortly. Note how Paul here an later makes dramatic allusions to severing body parts to emphasize his revulsion of works righteousness.

Galatians 5:7-12 Now Paul calls into question the knuckleheads who started this whole business of works-righteousness, and the how a little works must necessarily spread into all ares of religious life; it cannot remain a small part, for just as Paul (and James 1:10) says that a failure in one tenant, is a total failure of the Law.And there he goes again with the mutilation-emasculation, chopping off thing again. OK, I get it.

Chop chop
Chop chop
Galatians 5:13-15 Paul recaps this precious freedom, and repoints the way to the New Testament Law we keep because of love, the Law of Love. 

This is Law is, in a sense, reactionary. That is,. instead of the works treadmill, our reaction to our love of Christ is to keep his commandments (John 14:15), which is to love one another (John 13:34) This is the impetus for service.

Galatians 5:16-24 It is the war of the ages, the old sinful nature (the flesh), vs the new spiritual nature. The winner is the nature you feed the most.Paul gives us two signposts to see how we are doing, Sin Circle, and Spirit Street. 

Living on Sin Circle there’s your neighbors, and they are a miserable lot. I don’t know how I could get a night’s rest with these people living next to me. Ima Immoral would be knocking on the door when her husband was gone, Anger Anne would be yelling at the wee hours of the morning with her husband, Jealous Jack, while factious Phil, the neighborhood gossip would be collecting the local trash about you gossiping with Sorcerer Sal.


Over on Spirit Street, Joy is always baking pies, even with her Stage 3 cancer. She lives to help the neighbors. Gentle Jill is watching her kids play on the bikes on the sidewalk. She and her husband, Louis Love have the most beautiful well behaved kids. Self Control Sid has the most beautiful lawn and front yard you’d ever want to see. Started out as a rental, but Sid and his brother Paul Peace built it up, cleaned out the trash, painted it, and keep the place looking nice. Took a while, but they are proud to be members of Spirit Street.


Which neighborhood do you want to live in?

Galatians 5:25-26 The point is, being saved by grace and then truing to be pious to one up the guy ion the next pew with loud (and fake) piety on Sunday is not what makes a good work in the Spirit. Yielding to God is.


Memory Verse – “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22b-23a

OK, a little cheesy for grownups. But you’ll memorize it if you listen…


Application Root out and question your ministry.  Are they being done to placate a guilty conscious? To impress people? Or are they coming as a heart-response to a beautiful God who has touched us forever by Hs grace and love?

Galatians Chapter 4: Sons of God

Galatians: The Gospel Plus Nothing


Galatians 4:1-7 We are given positions as Sons of God, not just justification. The word for child used  here are little, under 15 children. The father gives a ceremony bringing the child into full sonship, a time determined by the father, and not an arbitrary age. The Toga Virillus was that ceremony, was given a robe and a ring. The ring was a signet, and gave him the same authority as the father. The Law never made anyone a son of God. Adoption – The word used here is the man’s own son. The Toga Virilis made him, literally placed as a full grown son of God. 1 Cor 2:9-10 shows that the Word of God can only be interpreted by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God teaches us, quoting from Isa 64:4.Many people debate the name of God, Jehovah, G-d, YHWH, Yahweh. But we don’t call Hime by any of these names. We know Him as Abba, Father. Mark 14:36 Romans 8:15So the Spirit can teach us as newbs, or mature Christians. We need to take the first step to be willing to learn. Romans 8:9-16 parallels this abridgement.We can believe that piety or baptism of the HS is the only way to have an experience as a son of God. No a brand new believer is a son of God. Of the two, truth comes before experience.
Galatians 4:8-11 The fulness of time is what Paul shows, though he dos not say it outright: God chose to wait until “the fulness of time.8-9  Known of God is approved or recognized by God. In 9 it is the experiential knowledge of God (after the truth, the Word of God.) Turning to Law is going back to idolatry.  dDays months, seasons, and years are from the OT Law feasts, sabbaths, sabbatic year, new years, year of Jubilee, etc. It’s worthless.
Galatians 4:12-20 There is commonality between Paul and the Galatians. Paul reminds them of their kindness. He is being polite in this harsh rhetoric. v 17-18:  references 2 Cor 11:12, This is the universal hook of the cults: to affirm the new cult convert for no good purpose but to add a notch to their crooked Bible, not for your good. Rather be zealous for the right *truthful) things of God, not false zeal for the cults.  Gal 4:19-20 A tender note for those born again, as a tender father or mother wanting to gather in his little ones, like a quail covey guarded by the parents.
Galatians 4:21-26 Mc Gee points out here that most most people who follow the Ten Commandments don’t really hear it in light of the terror and majesty of its giving to Moses in Exo 19:16-25 and Exo 20:18-22. Being sinners is a terrible thing.  Paul then uses allegory to show the difference between the promise (freedom) of the child of Sara, and the flesh (slavery) of the slave girl Hagar. In Abraham’s day, the son of a slave was a slave, as well as Rome. Also, there is a comparison of Mt Sinai and Jerusalem.
Galatians 4:27-31 Since we are born again, we too are spiritual children of Abraham as we previously saw in Chapter 3.V 29 Gen 21:9 reminds us that like Sara, we too are going to be reviled for preaching the Gospel. The natural man is at odds ands hates the Gospel because he cannot accept the Holy Spirit 1 Cor 2:14Lose the fleshly self, put on Christ.

.. humble themselves and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. II Chron 7:14