I had been dreading this moment. Up until now, it was simple drill. For eight hours we were shaken, hung out on ropes, yelled at, pushed and shoved, until we were ready for the big moment: My first parachute jump.
Heart in my throat, the plane climbed to altitude. My follow novice jumpers and I shared grim stares, oh, a few laughs and grins belying the inner terror. But we knew what was coming.
The jump master, Anna B. stood up, walked to back with the photographer, and up stood the first (I should say last) row of jumpers, inside a loud noisy, old, leaky DC3, #817.

They disappeared from view, with static lines, long strips of cord tied to the parachute pack so that the parachute pack to open it. It seemed silly, why not just jump out and pull that baby (the ripcord). After all, we were using old fashioned parachutes, “T-10’s” the kind you saw watching old World War II films. Just “hop and pop.” No worries.
My moment came. Dang! It was a LONG ways down. I looked at Anna, she smiled, and yelled: “IN THE DOOR. STANDBY. GO!” Out I went.
After a fashion, (about 3 seconds per Anna, I went through my drill and saw that glorious old green canopy over my head, and I was floating serenely, quietly, to Terra Firma.
It took a couple of weeks to remember what happened. The sensation is not anything I could describe to someone who has never jumped out of a perfectly good airplane from 3,000 feet.
It’s one thing to anticipate a major event, it’s quite another to realize afterwards it was nothing like what you thought it was going to be. Such is going out to do the commandment of Jesus without the power of the holy Spirit. We might think we know what and how to do, but no, it’s not like anything we may think of.
Ministries Following the Beyond A.D. Series
A.D. Roma Downey & Mark Burnett on NBC
Also at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/ADTheSeries
Turning Point Radio & TV
David Jeremiah is doing weekly sermon on TV each Sunday at Turning Point Radio.
Also available at OnePlace Radio
New Life Church Pismo Beach
Some tips to reading this book
Ask yourself if the person(s) here are yielded to theHoly Spirit (and receiving His power, or their own power.
Witnesses of Jesus in Jerusalem Ch1-7
Witnesses of Jesus in Judea & Samaria Ch 8-12
Witnesses of Jesus to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth Ch 13-28
Acts 1:1-3
Introduction. Theophilus is mentioned in Luke 1:3 as “most excellent,” a title of Roman officialdom. There is a linkage of authority to the Spirit through which Jesus now communicates to His people, His church. This flows rather well as a continuation from the end of Luke (Luke 2436:-53)
Acts 1:4-8
Jesus commanded the disciples not to leave Jerusalem. This nay have been a difficult commandment to keep, what with all the powers that be arrayed against the followers of Jesus.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood person is Jesus, and by extension, God, Himself. Although He deliberately hides much of what He was going to do, for good reason, even after plainly explaining the order of events, the Disciples, and us by extension, armed with their (our) own preconceptions, are expecting something else.
So when Jesus is asked regarding the persistent “Kingdom Now!” expectation, He has to redirect the Disciples to remind them who is in charge. Remember, Jesus Himself did not know when (on Earth at lest) He would return. Matthew 24:35.
Instead, He has a much broader work to accomplish first, the establishment of the Church.
All through this book, we are given practical methods to accomplish how Jesus wants us to establish His church. What have we seen thus far?
Acts 1:9-11
A parallel of Luke 24:51-53. Now I wonder why the angels did this?
Acts 1:12-14
A Sabbath day journey, 2,000 cubits. Understood by the Rabbis from Exo 16:29 and Num 35:5 (Credit Ryrie study notes)
As far as not indwell by the HS, they did well here by being in constant prayer. This may have been partially motivated by the many people wanting to see them dead or otherwise MIA.
Acts 1:15-26
Peter proceeds to do what the pre-HS in-dwelt Peter did, shot first, then aim. More in a moment.
The account he relates of Judas Iscariot appears to be in odds with the account from the Matthew’s gospel Mat 27:5. It’s merely the completion of the story told there.
The Bible is full of such seeming contradictions. If you run across one, or some “Bib le Scholar” confronts you and you don’t know, say so and go and dig for yourself. It’s well worth the effort.
Peter proceeds to call a church meeting to elect a new Apostle. He certainly knew his Bible, quoting from Psalm 69:25 and 109:8.
Establishing the guidelines (having been with Jesus), he then proceeds to cast lots and elect Matthias, who is never heard from again. Q: Does this look like a Spirit inspired act?