Tag Archives: High Priest

Hebrews Chapter 10

Bible Study Made  Simple
Title – One Sacrifice, One Faith
Teaching – One sacrifice, accepted by faith, is all need to be reconciled with God.
One Sacrifice is Enough

Heb 10:1-3 Yes, the animal sacrificial system brought guilt to the Jew since each year’s reminder brought guilt.On the other hand, since we possess  sin-distorted minds, unnecessary guilt can plague the redeemed. Outside sources, other people, “memorials,” and demons can also cause this.The cure? Knowing that God never condemns (Romans 8:1). This gives us confidence that our condemnation is never from God, and can serve as a reminder. We need also to practice discernment, in that God does correct our sinful habits, and that we have liberty in our Christianity. Romans 4 &15 provide guidelines here.
Heb 10:4-11  Mark 12:33, Mat 9:13, Psalm 51:16, Hos 6:6 and many other places in the Bible  point out God is not into ritual, or the slaughter of animals. The soothing aroma spoken of often in Leviticus and other places is the aroma of a pure desire of the worshipper, and obedience. This manifestation of love, obedience, is put forth in verse 9 by submitting to the Father’s will. By perfect obedience, Jesus was able to be the perfect sacrifice, because in that perfect obedience, He remained untainted by sin.  An imperfect analogy is a multi stage space rocket; the first stage lifts the rocket into the air, it must be jettisoned do that the 2nd stage and payload can travel beyond the atmosphere (temptation) and the force of gravity (sin). The first stage is the Old Testament. v11 Once for all, the Cross saves for all we sin, not just those leading up to our salvation. The idea of sanctification is a three fold process. Here the first step, of being set apart for Christ is in mind. The other two steps are the day to day process by which the Holy Spirit makes us more like Christ. The final perfecting step is after the death of our mortal bodies.
Heb 10:11-18 The then ongoing ministry of the priest required work, standing up and working. Jesus, sat down after having completing His work. Psalm 110:1 echoes this. The only time He stands up is to greet the saints as He did for Stephen in Acts 7:56.Verse 14 continues the sanctification theme in the previous paragraph. The Law of the covenant is replaced with the Law of love “If you love Me, keep my commandments – John 14:15 and others. Here the Law of Love is applied properly to the heart. As a result, God sees us through the eyes of love, as we are perfected by the Robe of Righteousness. v18 – Consequently since we are declared righteous, sacrifice for sin is unnecessary.

Living by Faith

Heb 10:19-25 As has been said, we have no reason to cower because of our past, we can be confident. We draw to our Heavenly Father in confidence, with sincerity, as a young child curls into  her daddy’s lap, sure of her place with him. Our confession is this once for sacrifice of Jesus, to the Jew, the reader warns not to return to the old ways. But this is also true for Gentiles after the book was written; we are onto to return to the works righteousness most of us believed prior to our salvation. It can show up in a variety of ways, getting “closer to God” by acts, saying Rosaries, teaching litlly kids in Sunday School, leading Bible studies, or as non-Christians, adding up all the good things and weighing them against the bad.The point is, it is not only 1st century Christian Jews who have a “going back to the old ways” mentality.
 Heb 10:26-31  There is only one way to God; the Gospel. There is no alternate choice. See also Numbers 15:30-31. The picture is one of shaking a fist defiantly at God; there is only judgment in this case. verse 31 is probably grossly unstated or thought about or preached in the 21st century church, however the grim truth of it remains.  Jonathan Edwards preached on this subject in colonial America in 17441. His sermon, based on Deu 32:35, “Their foot shall slide in due time,” was entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Edwards delivered it after walking many miles in inclement weather. Being sick himself, his delivery was weak and monotonous. But the the Holy Spirit so moved the people who heard it that is was said that grown men shrieked and clutched the pillars and pea in the church out of fear of hellfire consuming them.
Heb 10:32-39 The author now appeals to marshall their faith, and holding forth the promise of Christ at His return. As you can see, the Jews  of this time paid a heavy price for believing in Jesus. No wonder the admonition to build up and encouraging each other!

Memory Verse –  Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another.” Heb 10:24b-25a

Application – How will you live out what you have learned?

I will hold fast when, not if  persecution comes.

Hebrews Chapters 8 & 9

Bible Study Made  Simple
Title – A Better Ministry A Better Covenant
Teaching – God’s Revelation to Man Shows His great Mercy Towards Us in the High Priesthood of His Son
Simply Broken Out  Summary / Thoughts

Heb 7:26-28 A reminder from Ch 7 that our High Priest is superior by His nature, not just office. How is it that Jesus is perfected? Isn’t He already perfect, as the 2nd person of the Trinity? Hint: Heb 2:10
Heb 8:1-6 The idea presented here is that what we see is only a crude physical manifestation of a reality beyond sin-degraded physical/mental/spiritual capacity. The progression begins in the Old Covenant (Old Testament), manifest in the New Testament through the revelation of Christ, and perfected when we enter into glory, where we can then fully appreciate the reality.This does not just apply to the Temple, although it is an excellent example to illustrate this revealing process,  but our spiritual growth (sanctification) works the same way. Another  example is the revelation of God’s character. Jer 31:34 quoted later in this chapter.
Heb 8:7-12 This revelation about His character includes His foreknowledge that the first covenant would fail because it was made with people who fail (sin) and needed rescue. It was never the intention to be able to “earn a ticket to Heaven” based on keeping the Law.Note that this is a covenant given plainly to the Jews. It is a clear OT/NT reference to a promise my by God in the OT and re-iterated here in the NT, also in Romans chapter 9, and by Paul in Romans 11:1-5, 25.At this point, in verse 11, Bible teachers will be out of a job. Your servant will go fishing.
8:13 This may well be an allusion, a hint of things to come, in the destruction of the Bible shortly after the writing of the book. 2 Cor 5:17


Heb 9:1-5 Again foreshadowings of the reality which is ChristHeb 8:7, but the substance is Christ Col 2:17Let’s take a stab at meaning and symbolism: Can it be that the Tabernacle now in Heaven, once on earth, is a type of Christ? Consider its elements:
It was on earth with the Jews, it is now in Heaven as is our Lord.
The golden altar of incense signifying how Christ ever lives to make intercession for us
It is covered around gold over wood, the living Christ in the flesh, wrapped in the majesty of gold.
The golden jar of manna is Jesus, the Bread of Life
The budding rod of Aaron is the symbol of Godly authority
The tables of the covenant are the perfection of the Law solely observed by Christ.
Heb 9:6-7 Once again, the writer drives home the point that the covering sacrifices and rituals are no longer necessary; the work was finished on the cross. “Te telesti” John 19:30. The human condition is such that we tend to fall away from relationship to ritual, in our personal relationships (can anyone say Facebook?), and in our worship, (do you sometimes go through the motions during worship or reading the Bible?). God understands this, and calls us out of ritual back to relationship through pursuing and heeding what He has to tell us through His written document.
Heb 9:8-10   This speaks as the Tabernacle was still standing, and previously that the Old Covenant was about to be done away with, signifying perhaps the imminent destruction of the Temple.People try to tear down the goodness of the Law and the Bible mockingly by pointing out obscure parts of it like two different kinds of cloth were not to be interwoven.The Law had three parts, the moral law (for instance, the 10 Commandments  eco 20:1-ft, Lev 19:18), civil law (for instance Lev 25:8-55 ), and ceremonial law (for instance Exo 25:10). This passage testifies that the ceremonial part of that law is about (and now is) done away with.
Heb 9:11-14 So, what ARE the “good things to come?Jesus entered, He offered, He obtained. What are the differences between He and the OT high priest?The annual sacrifices were a reminder to the people that they were sinners, who needed continual sacrifices to cover their sins. When Jesus comes, not only is the sin taken away, but our consciences are cleansed.
Heb 9:15-22 Titles of the Holy Spirit (see below)Testaments is best understood as a will. A will doesn’t take effect until somebody dies.
Heb 9:23-28 The shadows, the copies are the inferior representation of the actual, which is Jesus in Heaven, not high priest in tabernacle.


The Tabernacle of Moses

Memory Verse – One verse you have set to memory.“It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.” – Heb 9:27

Application – How will you live out what you have learned?
I will look to see where my life has become ritual and turn back to relationship.

Hebrews Chapter 5

Bible Study Made  Simple
Title – Jesus Our High Priest

Teaching – Although the Hebrews needed to be able to “contrast and compare” Jesus and the High Priest, they were not far enough along spiritually to make the grade. Are we? Types are a central literary device in this passage (and the whole book!) . It is important to know what a type is.

Simply, types are people, things or events that foreshadow a fulfillment in the New Testament. The most common, of course are types of Jesus Christ. Melchizedek, discussed here, is a type of Christ.

Another example is of Sarah and Hagar in Gen 21:10and following as types of enslavement to the Law, outlined by Paul in Galatians 4:21-31

We use types because the New Testament clearly defines them, and we believe that the Holy Spirit, author of the Bible 2 Pet 1:21, 2 Tim 3:16-17.

Simply Broken Out  Summary / Thoughts

Heb 4:14-16 The author picks back up from Heb 2:17 & 3:1 where the revelation of Jesus as High Priest is introduced, having gone through the necessity of belief and he warnings of failure to appropriate the rest we have in salvation and the accompanying power from the Holy Spirit.
Heb 5:1-4  The attributes of the High Priest are to be human, to offer gifts and sacrifices, dealing kindly with broken humanity, and is appointed.
Heb 5:5-10 Melchizedek was a suitable type of Christ as High Priest, because:
He was a man (Heb 7:4; 1 Tim 2:5);
He was a king-priest (cp. Gen 14:18 with Zech 6:12 – 13);
His name means “my king is righteous” (cp. Isa 11:5), and he was king of Salem (i.e. “peace,” cp. Isa 11:6 -9);
He had no recorded “beginning of days” (cp. John 1:1) or “end of life” (cp. Rom 6:9; Heb 7:23 -25);
He was a high priest by human appointment (Ps 110:4). But the contrast between the high priesthood of Melchizedek and Aaron is only as to person, “order” (or appointment), and duration. In His work Christ follows the Aaronic pattern, the “shadow” of which Christ was the substance (Heb 8:1 – 6; 9:1 – 28).
Source: Scovill notes on Heb 5:6
Heb 5:11-14 Oh snap, the writer is pointing put they Hebrew believers as spiritual babies. It is an unflattering, borderline frustrating passage for the writer. Note the key to spiritual maturity, training. Training of what????

Memory Verse – Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. — Heb 5:8

Application – Practice spiritual maturity by obedience to the Word of God.