Acts 9:1 -Saul was trained by Gamaliel, the teacher of teachers. Paul was also a member of the Sanhedrin. He also had a towering intellect. Yet he was too refined to stone Stephen.
Perhaps in his insecurity, after seeing the angelic countenance of Stephen, he became vehement and radical. Perhaps because of all the mental energy he had spent on the Christians.
Paul was so impressed by his encounter with Stephen he used part of the argument in Acts 17:24-34, especially v30. The word of God does not return void.
Breathing threats – lit breathing in threats, muttering. This is one mad dude.
Acts 9:4 – Jesus takes personally those who get down on His church. Ahem!
Acts 9:5 – Goads passage missing in most manuscripts. Only shown in KJV family texts.
Acts 9:6 – This is what it is all about. What is salvation worth to me? This is the only possible reaction if we realize the price Jesus paid for us.
God always gives usa one step at a time.
Acts 9:9 – Like a photographic film, Saul has an image and voice of Christ for three days.
Acts 9:11 – That road, Straight, is still there in Damascus, the oldest city in the world.

Acts 9:13 – Lord, You sure You have the right guy? The big gulp.
Note how a man called Annanias is to go to the house of Judas, two infamous names in the Bible. And also Saul!… And so Damasacus. Perhaps God is redeeming names.
Acts 9:15 – Note the order of Paul’s ministry: first Gentiles, kings, and Jews.
Acts 9:17 – Ananias shows true Christian brotherhood and Agape love. Note that Paul has not received the HS at this time.
Acts 9:20 – Rom 9:3
Acts 9:21 – They were amazed but not persuaded. Paul leaves for three years to Arabia. Gal 1:17
This is a “perfect” ministry for Saul, but that is NOT what God had in mind for him. (v15)
Acts 9:25 – 2Co 11:32-33. This is what it took to let Saul realize that his ministry was for the Gentiles, so that Saul could not take credit for God’s work.
Acts 22:17
Acts 9:27 – Barnabas means son of consolation, which, as usual, is apt.
Acts 9:29 – Saul is getting closer, talking to Grecian Jews.
Acts 9:30 – Then the Apostles send him to his true ministry, the Gentiles.
Acts 9:31 – And here at last Saul focuses in on his ministry. After ten years.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to get out of the way.
Acts 9:32 – By contrast, Peter HAD a ministry to the Jews.
Acts 9:34 – Here is a key to usability. In addition to be on the move, not stagnant (pv), these people glorify Jesus. I AM the Lord. That is My name. And I will not share my glory with another…
God is not ,though, on an ego trip. Because inevitably those who seek His glory will disappoint others.
Acts 9:36 – Dorcas, – gazelle.
Acts 9:38 – Quick, send for Peter, we need the practical ministry of Dorcas.
Acts 9:39 – Summary of ministry illustrated by these verses (13-43):
1) Available – Acts 9:40
2) Prayerful – Tabitha, arise – Talitha kum; virtually the same words Jesus used with the young girl in Mark 5:41
Acts 9:42 – 3) fruitful – many people were touched by the miracle
So when you are called to Sunday school, you never know wheter you might teach a future Billy Graham.
Acts 9:43 – 4) Flexible – Peter sticks around. The mishna said that the wife of a tanner could divorce him, as being a tanner. God