The Bible is interconnected. In order to understand Revelation deeply, you must read all of the Bible.

Here, in Revelation, appreciate that the Bible moves across time. Its allusions, comparisons, themes, and central character are fixed throughout the Book, voiced by over 40 heralds, but only one Author.
They begin in Genesis, develop through the Book, and here they find summation in victory over sin, and redemption of sinners. We have many, many quotes and references from the Old & New Testament, as has been previously mentioned.
What is This Caught Up?
Although strictly speaking, the “Rapture” here is John going to Heaven to have events revealed to him, those holding to a pre-tribulation, see this is as a representation of the Rapture. It may very well be. What we do know is that John was caught up, either physically or spiritually through the open door. What other door have we recently discussed? Is there a comparison?
In the Spirit sets one to a spiritual, non-natural/physical state, sensitive to spirituals. Paul was caught up to heaven 2 Cor 12:2-4. In another reference, the Two Witnesses are physically caught up to Heaven. Rev 11:9-12 shows their bodies were caught up. So it is possible that John was also, but we should be careful to keep the min thing the main thing.
This door is the one behind which Christ ascended to Heaven and is preparing a place for us, John 14:2-3
The first after these things (ATT) is by John’s experience. The 2nd (ATT) is God’s message to John. He will learn what will take place.
Revelation 4 is the second great vision of John. What was the first vision? One word used over and over and is central to our understanding, is throne.
There are many wonderful things in Heaven, but none more so than the throne and the Lamb of God. The central theme is the throne and Who is on it, used 13 times in 11 verses, used 40 times after this.
Isa 66:1
It is in a Temple, not a palace, but a Temple, a place of worship. Rev 11:19, 14:15 judgment coming from the throne, Rev 15:6 again, surrounded (search temple, where the throne sits for more examples.)
The throne is set (find example. It is immovable, as is the throne, the seat of the Almighty, unlike a palace of a thug dictatorship, ringed only with men bedecked with ammunition belts. You knock out the throne, you take over the country. Not so here.
Most of the rest of Rev the vision is from Heaven.
About the Trumpet Voice
Rev 1:10 the voice is commanding, loud, like a trumpet. When God says come up here, you go up.
The Outline
On the throne, around the throne, coming from the throne, before the throne, and toward the throne.
On the Throne:
Sitting on the throne, reigning, not resting. For something is about to happen. No one is named, perhaps out of reverence (YHWH etc.) Isa 6:1
Maciah sees the same vision while relaying the doom of Ahab. 1 Kings 22:19,
God sits on His Throne Psalm 47:8, Ezekiel 1:22-2:1
V3 reads back to Ezekiel, fire coming out of the throne Eze 1:4.
Rev 21:11 says it is crystal clear. Best understood as diamond, the most magnificent stone of all.
Diamonds are unique. They can only be made from carbon. Carbon is the basis for all life. Without it, none exists. Chemically, it is unique, a hexagon in structure, 6 sided, opaque, black, dirty as graphite, the “lead” in pencils. It burns, and is consumed.
But under rare conditions, it is compressed and heated in conditions that appear beneath the Earth’s crust, it cannot remain under those conditions:
Diamonds are found at a depth of approx. 150-200km below the surface of the Earth. Here, temperatures average 900 to 1,300 degrees Celsius and at a pressure of 45 to 60 kilobars (which is around 50,000 times that of atmospheric pressure at the Earth’s surface). Under these conditions, molten lamproite and kimberlite (commonly known as magma) are also formed within the Earth’s upper mantle and expand at a rapid rate. This expansion causes the magma to erupt, forcing it to the Earth’s surface and taking along with it diamond bearing rocks. Moving at an incredible speed, the magma takes the path with least resistance, forming a ‘pipe’ to the surface.
As it cools the magma hardens to form Kimberlite and settles in vertical structures known as kimberlite pipes. These kimberlite pipes are the most significant source of diamonds, yet it is estimated that only 1 in every 200 kimberlite pipes contain gem-quality diamonds. —Capetown Museum Also Kurt Wise video at 30:50
Dr. Kurt Wise elaborates. He says shortly after the Flood these kimberlite pipes exploded violently literally showering the ground with diamonds, as carbon transformed into diamonds can only remain under high pressure & heat for a short time.
How Did The Carbon Get There & Why Are There Kimberlite Pipes?
At the beginning of the Flood, all the continental shelf (remember, there was one super continent, Pangea) was shaken by a massive 4-5 hours long earthquake, beyond level 10. This caused the shelf to break off the continental margins to the abyss below, several kilometers. This in turn began the process of the heavy (relative to the land) sea floor crust, which is known to be heavier than the hot mantle below it, to literally slide under the continents.
This sliding pushed down a lot stuff near the continental margins, including living things made of. . . In turn, as they are pushed down, subducted, the rock heats up, and is pressurized after which you get diamonds in kimberlite pipes.
What does any of this have to do with the throne room scene here? Connect the dots. Or diamonds.
(Let them connect the dots)
Back to the Throne Room
Sardius is blazing red representing the fiery wrath of God. It is frightening. Op cit Ezekiel, Isaiah, & John response. It is a picture of splendor & wrath
His throne is ablaze as He judges Dan 7:9
He is a jealous God of all consuming fire Deu 4:24
To the mockers who shake their fist Psalm 2:3-5
These stones are also first & last Reuben- Behold, a son) (Jasper) Benjamin (Son of my right hand) (sardius) Exo 28

Around the Throne:
The rainbow that looks like a rainbow? A special kind of rainbow. Ezekiel saw and said in Eze 1:28 red flames then, here the cool of green. Gen 9:13 says a rainbow says we will not be destroyed by water, a sign of faithfulness.
Holy wrath of red wrath. Judgment never overrules grace. Rom 8:1 Mal 3:16-18 are promises of faithfulness to His word.
- God is the unchanging God Heb 13:8
- He sits on a throne unmoved, unshaken.
- His Word hints, glimmers, and shouts of His glorious Son in so many ways.
- The vision of God is splendor and wrath yet enshrouded in mercy. We must communicate this.