Category Archives: Attitude

The Eagle Has Landed

President Nixon talking with astronauts of Apollo 11 on the moon
Forty eight years ago today, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, the culmination of John F. Kennedy’s challenge to land a man on the moon before the decade was out. Outrageous! Can’t be done! It was fake!

It was no fake, but the culmination of a colossal goal, fraught with , among other things, the deaths of three astronauts, inventing technology that didn’t exist, and fighting through endless battles with committees, ne’er do wells, skeptics, a sometimes unwilling congress, and the divisive strife of an unpopular war.

To say America and the world stepped out of its comfort zone is an understatement. We transformed whole cities, built massive launch and support facilities where none existed. Consider these innovations NASA headed up:

But this is about comfort zones, and moving away from them. If we as a nation had not moved boldly out of our collective comfort zone of the early 1960’s, we might never have achieved such a remarkable achievement as walking on the moon. It’s is easy to stay in them, they are, after all, comfortable. But we were never meant to stay in our cozy comfortable corners, just as ships were not built to stay in port; they were made for bold adventure, profitable commerce, and national protection.

Have you launched your Apollo to the moon? Do you even have a goal worthy enough and so outrageous that it will fail unless God is behind it? Well then, good for you! If not, how about taking at least a “one small step” by sharing Jesus without fear to that person who’s been on your mind? After all, we weren’t left here after our being made Christians by God to stay in our comfort zones.

Be Humbled

We really don’t have it so bad, do we American Christians? Let’s spend a little more time in prayer for our friends across the ocean who pay a price for that which we don’t always treat as precious:

Hal Lindsey on Political Correctness

Hal Lindsey

Political correctness got you shut up, afraid? Yeah, probably,  a little bit maybe? Then we need a review of the problem and a reminder of the solution, God’s promises. Hal gives us a great recap. These are taken from the broadcast of 2-28-14 at

Time Hack  Scripture Reference  Note
4:00 Hebrews 5:12-14, 6:1-4 The context of this passage are Hebrew Christians of 68AD moving away from Judaism and its repetitious sacrifices. They were going back to avoid the PC of their day.
6:50 Hebrews 6:4-6b This speaks of our inability to be renewed to renew to repentance about the elementary things of the faith when practicing the animal sacrifice system; they are pout of practice
8:45 Hebrews 6:6c There is seriousness in withdrawing to political correctness out of fear and fail
11:00 Luke 21:16-19 On the contrary, rely instead on the promises of God: “Thou shalt not sweat it.”
12:00 Luke 21:14-15 God promises the proper refutation and words to say to them even if it doesn’t sound right to us at the time.
13:55 Psalm 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me.
15:15 Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust, and God ill direct. Use the Divine Viewpoint
16:10 Psalm 119:130 God gives us understanding through humility, especially when coupled with intenseness and sincerity.
18:30 Isa 41:10 Courage in DangerWhen seeking to remain faithful, you don’t have to be afraid, dismayed, or anxious. He will:

  1. Strengthen you
  2. Yes, He will help you.
  3. Uphold you with His righteous right hand

Hell will freeze over before then before God breaks His promise.

21:20 Isa 40:28-31 Superhuman strength and wisdom in spiritual conflict are available.
25:20 John 10:28-30 He gives us absolute assurance of spiritual protection.
26:20 Romans 11:29 God will not take back His promises.

Here is Hope

I like what Solly says here. It adds to my hope:

“The righteous will never be removed,  but the wicked will not dwell in the land.” – Proverbs 10:30

Having So Much

Just returned from some time off, and went through the back yard. This is some of the good things I found. Avocados flourishing from the rain, parsley, radicchio  peppers, mission and green figs. Juicing oranges, Meyer lemons, and tangerines.

Had I not looked, this gift would have gone unopened and unappreciated. Psalm 104:14-15

Good things from God.
Good things from God.