Political correctness got you shut up, afraid? Yeah, probably, a little bit maybe? Then we need a review of the problem and a reminder of the solution, God’s promises. Hal gives us a great recap. These are taken from the broadcast of 2-28-14 at http://www.hallindsey.com/
Time Hack
Scripture Reference
Hebrews 5:12-14, 6:1-4
The context of this passage are Hebrew Christians of 68AD moving away from Judaism and its repetitious sacrifices. They were going back to avoid the PC of their day.
Hebrews 6:4-6b
This speaks of our inability to be renewed to renew to repentance about the elementary things of the faith when practicing the animal sacrifice system; they are pout of practice
Hebrews 6:6c
There is seriousness in withdrawing to political correctness out of fear and fail
Luke 21:16-19
On the contrary, rely instead on the promises of God: “Thou shalt not sweat it.”
Luke 21:14-15
God promises the proper refutation and words to say to them even if it doesn’t sound right to us at the time.
Psalm 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust, and God ill direct. Use the Divine Viewpoint
Psalm 119:130
God gives us understanding through humility, especially when coupled with intenseness and sincerity.
Isa 41:10
Courage in DangerWhen seeking to remain faithful, you don’t have to be afraid, dismayed, or anxious. He will:
Strengthen you
Yes, He will help you.
Uphold you with His righteous right hand
Hell will freeze over before then before God breaks His promise.
Isa 40:28-31
Superhuman strength and wisdom in spiritual conflict are available.
John 10:28-30
He gives us absolute assurance of spiritual protection.
Title – Missing out on the promises of God because of fear disappoints God and cowers us. Teaching – If repetition is the best teacher, then don’t fail to believe what God promises is true.
Simply Broken Out Summary / Thoughts
Heb 3:1-6
Both Jesus and Moses were faithful to all who were in their “house”, the people to whom they were responsible, but Jesus is even more so, for He created people, and thus made the house, so He has a higher stature than Moses.
This passage links the house analogy to belief. Note how we boast, like a student who has studied diligently and has the subject so “nailed down” she can’t wait to get to class to let everyone see how eel she understands the subject. That’s what this means.
Here is quoted Psalm 95, written by David, some 400+ years after the Jews were brought out from Egypt, the ten plagues, the Red Sea crossing, yada, yada, yada. If you go through this in Exodus, you find God was pretty upset by their whining out of unbelief, after experiencing miracle after miracle.
v 12 is a marker for falling away. An “evil, unbelieving heart.” The Greek OT (Septuagint uses the term only twice, in Jer 16:12, 18:12. in there is noted stubbornness. The seems to be willful refusal to hear. “He who has ears to hear” is repeated at least 4 times in the Gospels by Jesus the sower 2x, about John once and the parable of the ludicrous dinner once.So the takeaway is to encourage others to live the faith life, and to avoid sin and encourage others to do the same. How? By breaking the faith barrier.
The Geometry of Faith – the Faith Barrier
The Geometry of Faith
It’s not enough to hear the message (the Gospel), I have to act on it, just as much as once I am saved, to act on God’s promises.
Of all believers alive now or during the Exodus, some (almost all) go through life the hard way, not really believing the clear promises of God, rather than the way Joshua and Caleb took. See Numbers ch 13 and 14 for the details.
Do you understand what a Sabbath rest is? It’s resting from labor, for the unsaved, salvation as a a way to God, for the believer, that we don’t have to grit and bear the things God has asked us to do as believers, like share the Gospel. There’s an easy button, much like David used with Goliath, relying on God to see him through his fight. There are two different rests: salvation, and sanctification (the process by which we become more Christ-like). 2 Cor 5:7 and Col 2:6 address these.
And don’t think Jesus doesn’t understand this. He does, He cares, He bought the t-shirt!
Memory Verse – One verse you have set to memory.
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 Application – How will you live out what you have learned?
I (the author, not you the reader) am going to pick up an old habit of journaling, writing down the events God has led me through and proven Himself faithful, so that I can remember those events. They have a habit of fading away otherwise. Check out this excellent teaching by Hal Lindsey.
.. humble themselves and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. II Chron 7:14